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Hello beautifuls. Finalllllllyyy out! Everythings been busy lately. So expect gaps like this pls. Ily guys. Pls comment, tell me what you like, tell me what you don't. Tell me everything. Tell me what you want to see as well.


"I need clothes to wear. I cannot sleep and live in my saree." Valli said loudly. She was wearing his clothes again, being in a saree all day was very taxing, she realised.

"We'll go before dinner and get." He nodded, walking into the kitchen.

"Don't come into the kitchen. You're being disastrous today." She huffed, stopping him at the entrance. He almost pouted. Almost. He had just dropped his glass full of water on the balcony floor.

"Let me help. You're not here to make me food to eat." Atharva sighed.

"Shh. Stand to the side." She told him, he sighs, climbing up onto the counter and sitting there.

"We're going back to the village tomorrow. You need to rest. If you stay here, you'll have to do everything by yourself." Valli said.

"I'm not going home." He muttered.

"You have to. What do you mean you're not going home? Are you a child or what?" She scolded, dipping her pinky finger into the payasam she was making. Kheer, as the others called it. It smelled great already.

"I'm not going. That's it." He said stubbornly.

"Taste!" She held up her pinky. He enclosed his lips over it, sucking it into his mouth. She looked at him expectantly, her cheeks heated up at his warm mouth tightened around her finger and he sucked on it.

"Ahn!" She mewled, feeling his tongue tickle her tiny pinky finger.

"Enough!" She whined, squirming.

"It's sweet. Like you." He flirted, kissing her cheek.

"You are so... Eugh!" She grimaced, moving away from her.

"Is everything enough? Do I need to add anything?" She asked and he simply shook his head.

"I'll call Anji uncle and ask him to take us tomorrow. Okay?" She said, putting the payasam into two bowls.

"No. No need. I can drive. I'll take you home and come back to the city." He said stubbornly.

"Why are you being this way?" She whined.

"I'm not talking to him till he is done rethinking and all that bullshit." He scoffed.

"How will he rethink if we don't talk to him and give him confidence?" Valli asked, pushing his legs apart and stepping inbetween them.

"He has one child, Valli. He can put away his annoying false sense of ego and move on." He rolled his eyes.

"He is your father. It is the truth that Amma didn't do justice to you by being that way. He as a father didn't like that. How is he wrong in this?" Valli asked, holding his hand in both of her hands.

"Your Amma never treated me badly, Valli. She puts her pallu around herself when I'm around for fucks sake. She's an elder, she doesn't need to do that. But she does it anyway out of respect for me. She has gone out of her way to host me whenever I go to your house. All of her problems came out onto you. Where in all this was I treated badly by your mother? My father's argument is baseless." Atharva stressed.

"She does trust you. If she didn't, you wouldn't be here right now." He remarked. He put a boulder on his heart, preparing to say what he was going to say next to her.

Sahridaya Sankalpam: The Pursuit Of Love (Heartful Resolution)Where stories live. Discover now