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This 'feel good' is turning into a south indian film drama with oka caafi spilling all over. But then again, when have I ever done anything normally? Show some love and throw in some comments and interact with me you guys, I lose motivation to write if I don't see your guys' reaction properly. That's basically what happened with all the other books as well. I stop having motivation to write the plot if I don't know what others are thinking of it. So let me know. By3. See you.vmgappy reading. Very sleepy bye.


If life was an easy affair, it wouldn't be called life, now would it? Life was characterised by the pain, lessons, actions and reactions - and most of all, by feelings and emotions. And because life had everything to do with human emotions and all else - it was hard. It was difficult and it demanded so much from one's soul.

That's how Valli felt, at least. That life demanded so much from her. So much patience, so much understanding, so much endurance and so much fight in her soul. Because this fight was having with everything around, it was weighing down on her harshly.

Atharva was the man she was arranged to. They had fallen in love. But he was still the man that was chosen for her - so she didn't understand why she still had to fight. She didn't understand why she still had to give these tests and live through a time like this.

"I'll just go home." Atharva sighed, not wanting to go into her house with these bloody hands.

"No you won't. I.... Please Chinnayya. Come in for me." She pleaded. Her face was exhausted. His beautiful Valli had the biggest bags under her eyes, her shoulders were slumped because of stress and this burden.

He sighed, getting out of the car. He wasn't very happy with Valli's mother at the moment. He had tried enough to win her over and make her trust her daughter over everything. He spoke to her so kindly, he took a step down and did everything right. And it didn't matter to him what she thought of him, but about her own daughter? What would make her prioritise Valli?

"I got something for your mother too. But Valli, I feel like I'm going explode with anger." He spoke helplessly. Valli felt a pinch in her heart, she wanted to fight with him for speaking that way about her mother - but she saw his face. He seemed to have given up on trying with her. And she didn't want that. And at the moment, fighting with him over this was not very smart.

"Which bag?" She asked, caressing her thumb over his unhurt fist, soothing his soul.

"The yellow one. And the other red one is for mamayya." He mumbled.

"Why are you so sweet, Atharva mama? You're so kind." She smiled softly, pulling him closer by his arm. He sighed, shaking his head. She grabbed the bags and locked the car.

"I'll have Nana park the car inside later. I am not good at parking. Anji uncle can come and pick you up." Valli said, walking him inside. Buddi bleeted as soon as she saw Valli and Atharva chuckled. How was a goat acting like a puppy?

"I'll buy us a house with a yard and all just so that we can take Buddi to Hyderabad." He commented, making her giggle.

Valli's mother, who stood at the door - she looked like she was looking at an insane asylum scene. They were giggling and laughing and talking to a goat, while her eyes were swollen and still teary, he was bleeding and his fists were wrapped in her daughter's dupatta. What was wrong with them both?

"What happened to your hand?" Valli's mother gasped rushing out.

"Hello atthaya." Atharva nodded, bending over to touch her feet.

Sahridaya Sankalpam: The Pursuit Of Love (Heartful Resolution)Where stories live. Discover now