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"How long will you not talk to your mother for?" Atharva asked

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"How long will you not talk to your mother for?" Atharva asked. Valli huffed, folding another kurti. It was a simple Tuesday. Her father was at work, her mother was gone to sit with her terrible friends in the colony. Valli was sitting in her room, folding up her clothes.

"I don't know." She muttered.

"You should talk to her. She was angry, she probably didn't even mean what she said, Valli. And even if she did, you don't have anything to feel bad about. You've done nothing bad with me, and even if you did, I'm your fiance, you can do anything you want with me." He said.

"Chinnayya! Let it go!" She whined loudly.

"Fine. I won't say anything. What are you doing?" Atharva sighed.

"Folding my clothes. You?"

"Taking off my clothes."


"Yeah. I just came back to my room from tuition, so I'm changing." He said.

"Oh." She was beet red, blushing terribly.

"W... What are you going to do now?" She tried to not sound very flustered.

"I'm going to hop onto a call for a meeting." He said.

"Can I come and watch?" She giggled.

"Watch what? The meeting?" He frowned.

"Mhm. Watch you talk in the meeting. I like when you talk like that." She grinned.

"Valli!" He groaned.

She laughed, she had realised over the past few weeks of talking to him incessantly that he got riled up over a few things. And it was adorable to watch, so she did it more. Valli finished cleaning up her entire room. She had not been going to college since she was on a break this week. Her father had submitted a letter in advance, informing them of the entire ordeal. But she still had assignments on the Monday after her engagement. But she needed a computer and internet for that, and usually if anyone in the village needed a computer, they would just go to the cafe. Internet was accessible, but laptops were pricey and not very accessible there. And using her phone was not possible because of the vastness of the project.

"Atharva mama... I need a favour." Valli said.

"Hmm? What is it?" He asked.

"I have a few assignments to finish. I wanted to finish them today since everyone will be here tomorrow. I'd have to go to the internet cafe to use the computer there... But I really don't want to spend all day there." She pouted.

"Come here, kanna. I have a personal laptop. You can work on it." He said.

"But... My amma... And Ayyagaru... Would they mind?" She mumbled.

"I'll talk to them. Pack your bag, bring all your books. Don't forget anything." He said and just hung up before she could even respond.

He made his way out of his room and went into the main hall of the house. His father, Valli's father and a few others were there, discussing a few matters. There was a new bridge being constructed in the village, and they were really occupied with that.

Sahridaya Sankalpam: The Pursuit Of Love (Heartful Resolution)Where stories live. Discover now