Feed the soul,
Starve the ego,
Embrace what's good,
And guard from Ego,
But sometimes to do that,
You gotta turn up just like Vegeta's ultra ego,
That's why you gotta learn how to control and to,
Feed the soul,
Starve the evil,
Embrace what's good,
And guard from Ego,
Even when my money is real low,.
I still tell you that there is a God bro,
Feed the soul,
Starve the ego,
Enhance what's good,
And guard from Ego,
I'm not for the government,
Dawg I'm for the people,
My second amendment rights,
Protect your first amendment rights,
And in another poem deep into the never ending poetry book tonight,
Its February 23td,
Just got done smoking a blunt,
Now got these poems flowing in,
And not I'm not a Christian,
But Jesus never left my side,
Like my tattoos in my skin,
Once again,.
I'm not a Christian,
Not a Muslim either,
Just a believer of God,
The creator of man and all creatures,
The one the pastor tells us is our eternal teacher,
And God is always testing us,
That's the words of the preacher,
Feed the soul,
Starve the ego,
Improve what's good,
Control the ego,
Be far from evil,
Like fuck the devil,
Which side you riding with?,
Cause I'm riding with G-O-D,
Never claimed to be a saint,
But ain't they say inside the song my man,
that saints are just sinners that fall down,
And get back up again?,
Well the bible said I'll hear something when he comes back,
So until I hear Jesus trumpets trumpetin,
Imma be out here grindin and hustlin,
Feed the soul,.
Starve the ego,
Feed the soul,
Starve the ego.
My random ass poetic thoughts
PoetryA book of poems for poetry lovers from a fellow poetry lover