~Of all the things I never said~ Chapter 14

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Gray POV

"Dammit." I wipe my face and force myself to get out of bed. I stand, wincing in pain. "C'mon Gray, quit being such a wimp." I tell myself, struggling for the door. My hand just barely grasps the gold handle. I slowly open the door to find...

My doctor.

"Gray? What do you think you're doing?"

"Oh... I- I had to use the restroom."

He looks at me suspiciously. "Then you should've called."

"I wanted to be more independent," I say nervously. "Yup. More independent... That's me."

"Gray, stop trying to lie. Look, I know that you want to leave, but we can't let you until we make sure you're safe. We only have a few more tests to run, and then a few weeks of resting and recovery."

"Fine." I walk back over to my bed, and get in.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Fullbuster, you'll just have to wait a while longer."

"Yeah, I heard you the first time." I groan.

Sabrine POV

I sit down on the edge of my bed and softly mutter to myself.

"So what was all that about?" Ryu asks, drying his wet hair with a towel.

"What was what about?" I say, attempting to avoid the conversation. "Don't throw your towel on the floor, it's rude for the hotel staff to clean up after us."

"I'm sorry, I forgot." He says seductively. He sits down beside me and pulls me into a hug.

"Don't touch me."

Ryu smiles and kisses me on the lips. I let out a soft moan. He runs his tongue along my bottom lip, asking for enterence, which I deny.
We pull away, in need of air.

"You don't need to pretend," He whispers in my ear before pulling me backwards. My head rests on his chest as he laces his fingers with mine. "So, who called you?"


"Gray? How'd he get your number?"

"I assume Makarov." I sigh. "That old geezer..."

"Well, what did Gray want?" Ryu says, chuckling.

"He kept going on about needing my help, he wouldn't even say why... So I got annoyed and hung up."

"Did you tell him you were leaving?"

"Who do you think I am?" I say sarcastically. Ryu and I exchange looks before smiling.

"Well, are you going to help him?"

"You ask a lot of questions."

"Do I?" He smirks.

"... YES!" I shake my head in disappoinent.

"If I were you, I'd help him out."

"Just because he has cancer doesn't mean he's different from the rest of us. We all have problems to deal with, and we have our own lives. Just because he's "special" doesn't mean he should get full attention every second of every day. I've helped him enough. He needs to learn that people aren't always going to be at his beck and all, life doesn't work like that. If I can deal without that, then he can too."

"So... you're helping him..." He smiles.


Time skip (about 4 months)

Gray POV

I walk through the doors to the guild. Everyone stares at me before resuming to their conversations. Two months... It's been like this ever since I came back. Natsu keeps his distance from me, almost everyone ignores me, I wonder... Maybe I should quit the guild. I have... no one.

I sit at an empty table, far across from Natsu. Mira-Jane notices me, and rushes over. She hands me a glass of ice water and sits down beside me. "Hey Gray." She smiles. "How are you today?"

"I'm fine Mira. Don't worry about me."

"Are you sure? You seem pretty down."

"Why would I seem down? Aside from the fact that I have cancer, my boyfriend broke up with me, everyone's against me, and the only person I have left is all the way across the world? No, I'm perfectly fine." I say sarcastically.

"Okay, that's great to hear." Mira smiles again and walks over to the bar where she resumes her cleaning.

I groan, and finish my ice water. I push my chair back and stand. I keep my back turned, avoiding any contact with Natsu and his friends. It's not fair... Why me? Why?
I exit the hall. I should just quit the guild. Nobody seems to care about me, so what's the point? I walk along the road that leads back into town. I sigh and shove my hands into my pockets.

A tear manages to slide down my cheek as I make my way back to my home. "Dammit," I growl.

I walk up the steps to my apartment slowly. I grab the rusted handle while digging for my key. Tears are flooding down my cheeks, it makes it impossible for me to see. Why am I such a disappointment? I finally manage to open the door. I start to step inside, but a familiar voice stops me.

"Yo Fullbuster, are you crying?"

I spin around and wipe my eyes to find her standing there. My voice cracks as I try to speak.

"S-Sabrine.. You... Came."

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