~Of all the things I never said~ Chapter 18

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A/N: I'm getting really upset with this stupid wattpad bc I was trying to write (on my phone) and then it was deleted when I switched to writing on the computer (if that makes sense) so then after I wrote on the computer during camp right? So then wattpad decided oh no, let's delete your story again! So now I'm really pissed about having to write the same thing three times so I REALLY hope you enjoy bc I'm done rn.

Gray POV

I impatiently pace back and forth in my living room, waiting for the door to ring. "Dammit. Where is she?" I run my fingers through my hair and sigh. "How is it humanly possible to be this late?" I groan and complain until the air is filled with sounds other than my voice. "Sabrine!" I run to the brown wooden door and yank it open... Nothing.
In embarrassment, I quickly shut the door and head toward the kitchen. The ringing noise continues as I sigh and pick up the house phone.


"Hello, is this Gray Fullbuster?"

"Yes it is, and may I ask who's calling?"

"I'm one of the nurses who works down on Draco Street."

"Alright. What's up?" I press the phone against my ear.

"About the surgery Mr. Fullbuster... We were scanning your previous test results just to make sure you were cleared for it, that is if you wanted to go through with the operation. Anyways, it's impossible for us to preform surgery on you at the moment. We need you to come in and take another test... Just to be on the safe side."

"Um, yeah. Okay... When?"

"Does today at four work?"

I glance at the door then down at my shoes. "Sure."

"Alrighty. See you then, Mr. Fullbuster."

I hang up then phone and sigh again. I roll my eyes and click my tongue, waiting for the time to pass by. Should I even do the surgery if I'm cleared? It's not like Natsu cares about me... It's not like I actually have something left to live for. What's the point of this? What's the point in living if you're gonna die anyways?

Another ringing sound fills the room. I look up and stare at the door. After a few seconds, I find a slight draft in the air, and the door on the ground.

"Yo Fullbuster," Sabrine says, stepping inside. "I think you need a new door."

"Well hello to you too."

"Don't care." She walks past me and opens up my kitchen cabinet. She picks up a vase and fills it with tap water. She dumps the roses in her hands into the glass vase.

"What's the flowers for?"

"They were a gift. But since I'm not particularly fond of flowers, you can have them."


"Whatever. Anyways, why are you so glum?"

"The hospital called again. They want me to go in so they can run yet another test."

"I see."

I look at Sabrine cold dark eyes and frown. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Because..." I say softly. "I'm weak."

"Look Gray," She says. "I don't care if you're strong or weak, that doesn't matter to me. Well, actually I'd prefer for you to be strong, but that's not the point. Some people in this world are stronger than others. It's okay if you're weak, that's what balances this world. But if you want to know my opinion, I don't think you're weak at all. As long as you can fight to live another day, then you're strong."

"But it's all my fault." I mutter, blinking back the tears. "If it wasn't for me, you would've still been traveling the world, you would've been happy. And if it wasn't for my cancer, I'd still have Natsu. WHY AM I SO GODDAMN USELESS!" I sob.

"SHUT UP!" Sabrine shouts. I look up at her, terror in my eyes. Her eyes have turned from a cold blue to a harsh black. "DO NOT TALK ABOUT YOURSELF THAT WAY, I SIMPLY WON'T HAVE IT! SO MAYBE IT'S PARTIALLY YOUR FAULT I STOPPED TRAVELING THE WORLD, AND SURE YOU MAKE MISTAKES, BUT IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT THAT YOU HAVE CANCER. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT THAT SON OF A BITCH LEFT YOU. YOU ARE NOT USELESS. Okay? You're not." Her eyes revert to it's natural color.

"Sorry." I mumble.

"Okay, that's it." She heads for the now broken door.

"What's it? Where are you going?"

"To settle this once and for all. I'm tired of hearing you complain constantly about how worthless you are. It's time this whole problem is resolved." She steps over the door and angrily stomps down the stairs until she's no longer in my sight.

Sabrine POV

That tears it. I'm fucking done. I walk downs the street, scaring all the villagers away. I head toward the guild, feeling my eyes waver between two emotions, two colors. I let my body take control, letting my appearance change of my own accord.
I break down the door of the guild and roar.


A/N: haha I really don't have any clue how I want to end this story anymore. XD I have so many thoughts running through my head but who knows? Have a nice day, I'm so done with wattpad, peace<3

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