~Of all the things I never said~ Chapter 16

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Natsu POV

I stand up and flip my hair to drain the excess water. "That was rude!" I shout after Sabrine, who by now, is long gone. "Dammit!" I bundle up my shirt and squeeze. Water comes leaking out and lands on my pants. "Oh fuck this!" I stop out of the river and back into the guild.

"Hey Natsu, what happened to you?" Lucy giggles once she sees me. I walk over to her and groan.

"Sabrine. She happened." Lucy and Erza laugh at the mess I am.

"Why'd you piss her off?" Lucy snorts.

"I'm surprised you aren't dead," Erza says, taking a bite of her cake.

"I didn't piss her off! Well... Maybe."

"What'd you do?" The blond asks eagerly.

"I might've... broken a promise..."

"You're such an idiot." Erza replies.

"Shut up!" I whine.

"Let's just clean you up, okay Natsu?" Lucy rushes off to fetch a towel. I sit down next to Erza and sigh.

"Why the long face?"

"Dunno. Something's been bugging me lately," I say, staring at Gray in the corner, who appears to be on his phone.


"I dunno. I just feel like there's something missing."

"Gray." Levy chimes, setting down her book.


"It's Gray. That's the missing puzzle piece."

"No, it's not. We broke up."

"Just because you broke up doesn't mean the feelings go away, you of all people should know that Natsu." Erza says calming, summoning her sword.

"Woah. We don't need that," I say terrified.

"Relax clamidiot. I'm just cleaning my swords."

"Jeez Flame Brain, get it together," Gajeel grumbles.

Flame Brain... That's what Gray used to call me. My eyes are immediately drawn back to Gray, who's now standing and heading for the doors. "Y'know Erza... You may be right. Maybe it is Gray."


"Okay fine, I know it's Gray."

"You created the problem, you can go and fix it," the iron dragon slayer says, munching on metal.

"I can't just talk to him!"

"Why not?" The group questions.

"Because, I'm the one who dumped him. He should be the one to talk to me." I snort.

"Is that something to be proud of?" Lucy asks, handing me a clean towel.

"W-well... No."

"You're helpless."

I glare at her as I dry my hair. "It's not my fault things didn't work out."

"...YES, IT IS!" Lucy screeches.

"Damn. Calm down."

"Sorry. But ever since you dumped him and started spreading those stupid rumors, everyone's been ignoring Gray. You dumped him because he had cancer, you were too insensitive. So yes, it is your fault."

"Sorry." I mumble.

"Look Natsu," she says. "Do you still have feelings for him? Tell me the truth."

I sigh. "I don't know. I'm just confused right now."

"Well you better know soon. Because one day, Gray's not going to be here."

"Lucy!" Mira hushes. "Don't say that."

"Well, it's true. You know it as well as I do."

"W-what? I thought he was getting better."

"I don't know, you'd have to ask Sabrine." Erza states.

"Haha he doesn't have the guts, he's too scared." Gajeel teases.

"I am not! I'll ask her..." I look down at the table. "On a completely unrelated note, do any of you own protective headgear?"

Gray POV

I wait patiently in the lobby, waiting for my test results.

"Stop it." Sabrine hisses, standing before me.

"What'd I do now?"

"I don't know, but seeing your face annoys me."

"Wow, isn't someone full of joy today." I mutter.

"What was that?" She demands.

"Okay, why are you being so crappy? I'm serious, ever since you came back, you've been nothing but a jerk."

She sits down next to me and sighs. She covers her mouth and whispers something. "Rmpphh brmhh whhth mph."

"What?" I ask, removing her hand.

"I said... Ryu broke up with me."

"Oh... I'm sorry."

"Whatever. It's no big deal, just spending the past three years with some stupid guy who doesn't give a shit about you."

I look at her and see she's trying so hard not to cry.

"And after I finally got over his death, this happens. What the fuck man?"

I pull her into a hug and whisper in her ear. "I'm sorry."

"I told you... don't touch me." She pushes me away. "When do you get your results?"

"Well, about an hour ago. Well... That's what she said," I say, pointing to the nurse at the desk.

"Want me to take care of it?"

"No, not really." I say, but Sabrine is already making her way to the front desk. I bite my lip and cover one of my eyes. This won't end well.

I watch as Sabrine leans against the counter, chatting with the nervous nurse. She sounds calm, but suddenly slams her hand down on the counter, causing it to crack. The nurse's eyes shoot open as she hurries to the back.
Sabrine turns around and sighs. "See? If you want something, you ask for it."

"I don't really think that was asking."

"I don't really think you matter."

"Wow. Thanks man."

"No problem," she fake smiles.

The nurse comes back and hands Sabrine some papers. She reads them with her normal, stoic face. She glances down at me then back to the paper.

"Well? What's it say?" I question the brunette.

"I don't think you'd like to know." She says rather quietly.

"Tell me. It's okay, I can handle it." I smile.

"If you insist." She brings her arm down to her side and looks at me, her eyes softening. "Gray... The treatment was unsuccessful."

"Wait... What are you saying?"

"I'm saying... Gray, you... You're dying."

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