Chapter 3

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The next day, Hunter arrives at work. As he heads towards the conveyor belt, he sees a grey dog sitting next to his usual spot. The dog's back is towards Hunter. He is also wearing a green recycling vest and black jeans. Hunter sits next to him and introduces himself.

"Hey there." Hunter says, warm and welcoming. The dog looks at Hunter. The grey dog has dark grey eye patches around his hazel eyes, and a muzzle is not long, yet not too short. He has a green cap with a recycling sign on it. The dog is smaller than Hunter by four inches.

"Hi," The Dog says back in a low but audible voice, "my name is Indiana."

"Mine is Hunter." Hunter says, "It will be nice having another dog here."

Indiana gives his attention to the conveyor belt and sorts out plastic, "It will be nice. I was worried I would be the only dog until I heard of you."

Hunter looks at him with a puzzling look, "You heard of me before?"

Indiana turns towards Hunter, "Mr. Frisk told me. He said you are excited about another dog working here."

Hunter finds all of this intriguing, "Did he say anything else?"

"He also said you are a hard and honest worker, despite having no hands."

Hunter smiles. Quips about having no hands strike him funny.

"And what about you? How did you come to this job?"

Indiana continues to sort as he talks, "I used to be a watch dog for the dump."

Hunter wrinkles his nose in disgust. Thinking about that putrid dump makes him sick.
"Couldn't take the smell anymore, I'm guessing?"

Indiana shook his head, "No, couldn't take the smell anymore. I resigned and came over here. My family has been doing recycling jobs since dogs could talk, and I want to continue that legacy."

It amazes Hunter how one family can be in the same job for generations. However, it is the dog's name that interests him most.

"Your name, Indiana. I haven't met any dog by that name. How did you get it?"

Indiana smiles a bit before speaking, "My family decided to name all of our kids after a type of rock or gem. My father's name is Granite, we are lucky he married a girl named Crystal, and my sisters are Ruby and Opal. Dad named me after the less known rock, Indianite."

"That is an interesting way to name your kids." Hunter says.

"Yeah, but the one name I like the most, no one in our family is named: Rocky."

Hunter thinks for a moment, "Why is no one named Rocky?"

"I don't know. But I do know one thing: When I marry and have a litter, the first son I have is going to be Rocky."

"And if your wife objects?"

"She'll have to get over it."

Both Hunter and Indiana laugh. They continue to make small talk all day. They talked about each other and their families until the five o'clock whistle blows. Work is over. Hunter is getting ready to leave when Indiana says, "Thanks for giving me a welcoming first day Hunter."

Hunter looks back at him and smiles, "You're welcome Indy, see you tomorrow."

"Good luck with your owners' baby." Indiana says. As Hunter turns to leave, he can hear Indiana saying to himself, "Indy. I like that."

Indiana hitches a ride with a coworker. Hunter hitches a ride with Hank and heads on home. Tomorrow is the day life at home changes. Tomorrow is the day Jeff and Wendy Ryder bring their newborn home.

All characters (excluding Jeff) are owned by me.
Jeff is owned by ThreadyRumble.

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