Chapter 14

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1 week later...

The team lines up on the lookout lawn, waiting for instructions from the canine instructor. The team are wearing their new UDCFR uniforms, each fitting their roles. Max, Blaze, Rocky, and Rubble are wearing canine vests with black pants. each vest matches each dog's job. Zuma is wearing black short pants with an orange vest. The vest can be filled with air to become a life vest. Hunter is wearing leather pants and a gray vest with the aviator symbol on it. The canine instructor is a white Labrador Retriever, wearing a black leather uniform with a blue trim. The air around her is filled with confidence and discipline. A man with short, white hair and a black tux stands behind the white lab with a clipboard in his hand.

"Greetings to you all." The lab says with authority, "My name is Willow, but you will cam me mam, and I will instruct you on your assigned vehicles to complete the process of setting up this UDCFR post for operation."

Willow walks back and forth as she talks, "This is Mr. Coulson, he will be inspecting your outpost and observing your performance to give a report to his superiors."

The lab stops walking, her collar badge reflecting the sunlight. It has the UDCFR emblem on both sides.

"If you make a good report, you will become one of the thirteen UDCFR posts across the United States. Work hard, learn hard, and remember my motto: Don't try, do."

That motto strikes Hunter as familiar. He heard it somewhere before, but can't quite figure out where.

Willow gazes at the team scanning eyes, searching for one of the six. "Any questions?" Willow asks, still scanning the line.

Max inhales before talking, "When do we begin?"

Willow fixes her gaze on Max, "Now, and you are first."

Max walks with Willow to the canine police vehicle and begins the lessons. Close to the end, Max accelerated to much and slammed on the brakes, almost flipping the vehicle. Willow says they will know how to drive after three weeks of lessons. Blaze is next, then Rocky, and then Zuma. Willow is impressed with Rubble's driving skills and knowledge with the backhoe. Rubble might complete his driving lessons sooner than the others. Hunter is the last dog, with one vehicle left: The helicopter.

As Hunter and Willow walk to the Helicopter, Willow stops dead in her tracks. Hunter notices and stops as well.

"What is it mam?" Hunter asks. Willow doesn't answer but walks to the helicopter and inspects it. She shakes her head in annoyance and strides to Hunter.

"I can't instruct you with this helicopter." Willow says. Confusion and Disappointment cloud Hunter's head. He is about to ask why when Willow speaks first, "This helicopter is for small dog members of the UDCFR, twenty pounds max. You won't be flying today."

Hunter's confusion leaves, but his disappointment doubles. Once again, life seems to have it out for Him. Mr. Coulson cross out something on his clipboard and walks to his range rover. He puts the clipboard in the rover and radios someone. After a brief discussion, Mr. Coulson puts away the radio, closes the rover door, and walks towards Jeff. Willow joins them.

"Lieutenant Ryder," Willow says, "with the setback of not having the right size helicopter for your Doberman, we cannot green light your outpost for operation until you get a smaller member, or a bigger copter. If you can't get one of the two options done in one month, we will have to shut down this post for the foreseeable future. We are tight with money and can't afford to continue pouring our finances into a non-operational outpost."

"I understand." Jeff says with a straight face, "I will get it done."

Willow and Mr. Coulson get into the rover and drive away. Jeff rubs the back of his neck.

"One month." Jeff whispers to himself. The dogs gather in front of Jeff.

"What now sir?" Rubble asks.

Jeff stares off into the distance. This is what he does when in deep thought. A moment of silence goes by, and Jeff breaks his stare and looks at the team, "I will let the town and surrounding towns know we are recruiting for small dogs. If no small dogs show up in two weeks, I will do what I can to get Hunter a bigger copter."

Jeff makes his way to the lookout. He turns to the dogs before going inside, "Not a word of this to Zach or the pups. I don't want them worrying."

The dogs say yes sir before following Jeff inside the lookout.

Hunter and Willow belong to me.

Jeff, Max, and Blaze belong to ThreadyRumble.

Zachary (Ryder), Chase and Marshall belong to spinmasters.

Coulson belongs to Marvel.

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