Chapter 20

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Jeff and Max get to the hardware store. It is a small store, on the corner of the block touching main street. The front window is shattered, and the owner stands outside, fuming. Jeff approaches the man in a calm manner.

"About time you showed up." The angry man says. He appears to be in his mid-thirties, tall and slender. He has slick, brown hair. He is wearing a white pole shirt with tan khaki pants.

"They are probably out of town by now." The man says.

"We will do everything we can to apprehend the suspects, sir." Jeff says to reassure him. Jeff and Max enter the store. The inside is a mess; wood planks and beams knocked from shelves, tools everywhere, and shattered glass behind the register counter. Max sniffs the area, being careful not to touch anything. Jeff goes to Max's vehicle and opens the trunk. He pulls out a black bag and brings it inside.

"It's those two mutts for sure." Max says to Jeff, "The scent from the lookout matches."

"Good work, Max." Jeff turns to the man, "Are there any items on the floor you saw them touch?"

"That board." The man points to a ply board near the door. Jeff picks up the board with gloved hands. He opens the black bag to reveal a case of black powder. The black powder is sprinkled onto the board. In seconds, paw prints are visible. Jeff gets clear tape and sticks it over the paw print, collecting the print. Jeff puts the print in a case to be preserved.

"Now," Jeff looks at the man once more, "Please tell me what happened from the beginning."

The man has calmed since Jeff and Max arrived. The man breathes, "I was helping a customer purchase a tool set. When he left the store, I saw him drop the set and run towards the cafe. I didn't know why until a giant great Dane runs from the left side, stops in front of my window, and crashes through it. The dog pinned me, and I heard another dog entering the store and began to make a mess. I yelled at them to leave my store, but the Dane didn't move. Then the other dog told the Dane to leave. They both left, and I saw a small French bulldog, the other dog I'm guessing, step on the ply board I pointed out. They ran off with a cart of supplies and the tool kit front the customer. That is when I called you."

"Did they use names for each other?" Max asks the man.

The man looks down at Max, "The French bulldog called the Dane 'Dwayne.' I don't know what the small dog's name is."

"Thanks for your cooperation, sir." Jeff says, "We can stay and help you clean up."

"Thanks, but I got it." The man begins to sweep up the glass.

"And one last thing." Jeff and Max pause before leaving, "Your name?"

"Stuart Sefer."

Jeff thanks Stuart and leaves the store with Max following.

3 days later...

It is ten thirty at night. It is October thirteenth, and the MIT forum has not come in yet. Hunter starts to panic. Why are they waiting so late to send it? What will happen if it never comes? Hunter starts to think MIT never intended to send the forum. Fifteen more minutes go by, and no email. Hunter walks to and fro in the living room. Jeff is staying at the lookout tonight. Skye, Zach, and the pups are at the house asleep.

Jeff's computer dings. Hunter's heart skips a beat. He almost runs to the computer and shakes the mouse to wake the screen. There it is: The MIT enrollment form. Why they waited until an hour and fifteen minutes before midnight, Hunter doesn't know, and to be honest, he is afraid to know why. Before Hunter opens the forum, Skye and Wendy rush out of the master room, with Skye in her flight vest and pants.

"What's going on?" Hunter asks.

"There is a fire at town hall. Jeff called Skye to be there." Wendy says, rushing to the door to help Skye. Skye has her helicopter in the backyard. She hops in and takes off. Hunter looks outside to the sight off an orange light in town, with a coal black plume of smoke visible despite the dark night. Hunter worries for Jeff and his team. Emergencies of this magnitude never crossed Hunter's mind. How do people expect a small group of dogs to solve this kind of crisis. Even if Jeff's team solves it, more will inevitably come. Will they be ready for that day when it comes?

This also brings up a new worry. Should Jeff need Hunter for this emergency, it could jeopardize Hunter's chance to enroll in MIT. Hunter hopes nothing bad happens for the sake of the team and Hunter's future. However, about ten minutes later, both worries become reality.

Hunter is almost done with his forum. All that is left is to sign and send and hope. His form is nearly there when his eyes begin to droop. He can't fall asleep, not when he's so close. The last thing he remembers is being woke up by a panicking Wendy.

"Hunter! Jeff needs you now!" Wendy shakes the tired Doberman awake.

"Huh, what?" Hunter almost falls back to sleep when Wendy shakes him again.

"Hunter, get up! Jeff needs you! Skye crashed!"

This shocks Hunter out of his tiredness, "How?!"

"I don't know, Jeff just said Skye crashed and to get you."

Hunter gets up and runs to the front door. He almost hesitates when he remembered his forum. He might've been working for his dream school for years, and this action might ruin it all, but family comes first. Hunter shakes off the sickening feeling and grabs an extra police pack for just an occasion. Hunter has a replica of each dog pack within the UDCFR. The police pack comes with a spotlight, a net gun, tassr, road spike, radio, handcuffs, bullhorn, and a 9mm handgun. Prepared, Hunter rushes out the door. Wendy offered to drive him to city hall, but Hunter didn't wait for her to ask. He runs, as hard as he can, on his way to help where he can.

Hunter, Wendy, and Stuart Sefer are owned by me.
Jeff and Max are owned by ThreadyRumble.
Chase, Marshall, Zachary (Ryder), Skye, Dwayne, and Hubcap are owned by spinmasters.

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