Chapter 8

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Hunter makes it home as the sun casts its orange setting in the sky. As he enters the house, he is greeted by a small German shepherd and a dalmatian. The energetic duo almost plow into Hunter.

"Hi Hunter, you're back! The two say, their voices overlapping. Both Chase and Marshall are five years of age, but have the appearance of four month old pups. Since they grow at a pace slower than normal, their brains also grow slow. This causes the two to act like children.

"Hello guys." Hunter says, being careful not to step on the pups. Hunter is tall enough to walk over them. He makes it to the living room, where Jeff and Zach are. Chase and Marshall run into the room, wrestling each other. Zach is at the coffee table working on school work. Jeff is sitting on the couch, his new touch screen phone in one hand, and an envelope in the other. The envelope has the California government seal on it.

"I'm home Jeff." Hunter says, "How was everyone?"

Jeff looks up at Hunter, "Everyone is doing great, except for these dang house payments." Jeff looks back at his phone as he talks. Then, a curious look crosses Jeff's face, "Why do you ask every day?"

"It's a habit I guess." Hunter says, walking to the hamper, "I just want to know everyone's okay when I'm gone."

"That's Jeff's job." Chase says, getting dogpiled by Marshall.

Jeff smiles and shakes his head, "You don't have to worry Hunter if that's the case. Besides, you heard Chase."

Hunter nods and heads to the hamper. He puts in his vest when a scratching noise stops him. He turns towards the source of the noise. The way Zach is scribbling makes on think his life is on the line. Jeff notices Hunter looking at Zach. He also hears the obnoxious scribbling. He leans forward to see what Zach is working on.


Zach looks up at his father. The eight year old has a full head of black hair, stiff and tall, spiking at the top with the sides smooth and slick. His hair makes him look three to four inches taller than he really is.

"What are you working on?" Jeff asks his son.

Zach looks back at his book, then back at Jeff, "Math."

Jeff's eyes narrow in suspicion, "You have been in that book since nine this morning." Hunter's eyes widen as he looks to and fro between Jeff and Zach.

"Why is it taking this long to do your math." Jeff asks.

Zach says, "I started on lesson one, and I'm now on lesson 123. I'm almost done with the book."
Hunter's mouth drops. 123 math lessons in one day!

Jeff is shocked as he talks, "You're not supposed to do all of your math in a day! You have to let your mind grasp the concept of what you're learning."

Zach squirms in his seat. He is worried he might've done something wrong, "Sorry. I am understanding what math says. All of it is so easy, I went ahead and did the whole book."

Zach closes the book and gives it to Jeff. "You can check the answers. I didn't look at them. I did every single problem, and I understood what the books taught me."

"Books?" Jeff says, raising an eyebrow, "How many books have you completed?"

Zach runs off to his room and comes out with three more math books. He sets the books down on the couch seat.

"This is 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade!" Jeff says in astonishment. He looks up at his son, "You did three years of math in one week?!"

Zach puts on a wide grin, "Yes sir. I started the first book on Monday."

"And you're on your..." Jeff picks up the book Zach was working on, "6th grade math book! You weren't supposed to do these until your latter years."

"Looks like Zach disabled the brakes on his brain." Hunter says to Jeff.

"Apparently so." Jeff gets up, grabs all four math books, and heads to his room.

"Hunter, you will have to bathe yourself tonight. I got the Flash's math to grade."
Zach giggles to himself, and Chase and Marshall start giggling too. Jeff peaks out from his bedroom door.

"We will continue this discussion tomorrow." Jeff says to his son, then disappears into his room.

Hunter turns to Zach, "Are you sure you didn't look at the answers?"
Zach crosses his heart, "Promise."


After Hunter got out of the shower and dressed, he goes to look for Max. A few minutes of looking and no Max, Hunter goes to Chase.

"Chase, where is your father?" Hunter asks the pup.

Chase looks up from his half empty food bowl, "Dad and Mom are on a date night." He says, with a hint of disgust in his brown eyes.

"My Mom and Dad are with them too." Marshall says with a mouth full of food. Marshall's spots begin to come through with one spot around his right eye. Marshall's eyes are an ocean blue. Hunter thanks the pups and makes his own bowl of kibble. Chase and Marshall are growing slow, but Hunter will miss their innocent nature when they finally grow up.

Hunter belongs to me.
Jeff, Max, and Blaze belong to ThreadyRumble.
Zach(Ryder), Chase, and Marshall belong to spinmasters.

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