Chapter 19

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5 days later...

Jeff enters the lookout with a stack of mail in his hand. Wendy, Roxy, Skye, and the pups are visiting. Everyone has been cautious since the break in the week prior. Max, with his driving lessons now complete, patrols the streets in search of the troubling duo to no avail.

"Hunter." Jeff says, "Here is a letter for you."

Hunter gets off the couch and takes the letter from Jeff. Hunter submitted his official SAT two days ago and is expecting a letter from MIT. Hunter is praying he got a high enough score to enroll. The one thing Hunter believes will hold him back is him being a dog. How will MIT respond to a dog with an acceptable SAT score?

Hunter opens the letter and reads:

Hunter J Ryder,
We are pleased to inform you that you achieved a 1595 on your SAT. Your GPA score is satisfactory. We are willing to take part in being the first educational campus to have a canine amongst our students. Please sign a forum we will send you by way of email, letting us know you received our invitation and are interested in enrolling. Failing to return the signed forum by October 13th will result in the termination of your invitation. We look forward to seeing you on campus.

Everyone gave their congrats to Hunter. Finally, someone accepted him. He is now one step closer to completing his life goal.

"Now all that's left is the tuition fee." Jeff informs Hunter.

Hunter's heart sinks upon hearing this, "I thought a high SAT score was enough."

"Out of a hundred people who take the SAT, only four are enrolled at MIT each year." Jeff explains, "Most of them can't pay the fee or fail to get a scholarship."

Hunter sighs. If only he signed up for a scholarship while he could. Why he didn't, he couldn't remember, but now it mightve affected his one chance for MIT.  The fee for such a school is hundreds of thousands of dollars. There is no way Hunter can make that much in the short time he has.

"Maybe you can get a loan?" Max ponders. From what Jeff told Hunter, getting a loan is the worst mistake he has made. He is still in debt to his college as of today.

"It will take me forever to pay off such a debt." Hunter begins to get frustrated with the decision in front of him.

Jeff gets on eye level with Hunter, "It will work out fine Hunter. If you don't want to enroll, that is fine. We still love and accept you. No matter what you think we'll do. And if you do want to enroll and get a loan, I will help you pay it off."

"I don't want to burden you Jeff." The last thing Hunter wants is to ruin someone's life for the sake of his own.

"I will make it work." Jeff nods to reassure Hunter, "be anxious for nothing."

At that moment, Jeff's phone rings. He answers, "Hello, UDCFR." Jeff's facial expressions change as the caller talks. His face went from relaxed to concern to surprise. He assures the caller that he is on his way and hangs up.

"Our two wanted dogs robbed a hardware store in town. Max, I want you to come with me."

Both Jeff and Max get to their vehicles and drive into town. Hunter, Blaze, and the pups watch as they drive off.

"Will Dad catch them this time?" Chase asks.

Blaze looks down at Chase, "I don't know, those two are more slippery than Marshall." After hearing this, Marshall shoots a glaring look, but his expression looks as if he smells something putrid. Chase starts to laugh.

Hunter and Wendy are owned by me.
Jeff, Max, Blaze, and Roxy belong to ThreadyRumble.
Chase, Marshall, and Skye belong to spinmasters.

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