Chapter 10

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4 weeks later...

Jeff closes the Tahoe trunk with great effort. Everything is packed and ready for the Ryders to move to their new home. Jeff and his team, along with the two pups, will go on ahead while Wendy and Roxy stay behind. They will come with the moving van. Now, Jeff must get everyone in the car.

"Everyone, load up!" Jeff calls out. Everyone comes out of the house. First, Wendy comes out helping Zach carry his packed suitcase. Chase and Marshall come out running to the car. Max comes out with Roxy. Roxy is the only one who doesn't like the idea of moving to a new place. Max has been coaxing her for the past few weeks, saying everything will be fine and she will like it once they're there. Then, Marshall's parents, Blaze and Misty, come from across the street to meet up with their son. Hunter, Indy, and his son Rocky come out of the house last.

"Rocky, make sure you tell Jeff thanks for giving you a spot on his team." Indy says. Rocky and his father can pass off as twins. Both are the same height and build. the only difference is Rocky has only one eye patch and a bent ear. Rocky is wearing a green recycling vest and black dog jeans with his father's recycling cap on his head.

Rocky turns to his father, "I will, Dad." Indy hugs Rocky.

Indy speaks to Hunter, "You will take care of him, right?"

Hunter looks at Rocky, then back at Indy, "Not much i can do to help. He's an adult the last time I checked."

"Yes," Rocky adds, "I can handle myself."

At that moment, the front yard sprinkler system comes to life. Hunter and Indy step back as Rocky, letting out a yelp, shoots off to the other side of the driveway.

Indy shakes his head, "Rocky, you know what I told you was just a joke."

"I know." Rocky says, standing far away from the sprinklers, "But i still don't like to be wet."

"What joke?" Hunter asks Indy.

"When Rocky was a puppy, I joked about mold and algae growing on wet dog fur. Now he won't go near a glass of water."

Hunter laughs at the irony of it all, "Then how does he drink?"

"Very carefully." Rocky says.

"Last call! Come on!" Jeff calls out before the car's engine turns on. Rocky is the first one in, still avoiding the sprinklers. Then Hunter, Max, Blaze, Zach, Chase, and Marshall all follow suit. Indy walks over to Roxy, Misty, Wendy, the Oxfords, and the Taylors, who are the owners of the dalmatians. Mark Taylor is retiring from firefighting duty. With his retirement money, he plans on moving with the Ryders to help out Blaze.

"Make sure to watch out for sharks and other dangers at the beach." Roxy is telling Chase, "And when the cold months come, dress up in layers, you don't want frostbite."

"Yes, mam. I'll be careful." Chase says.

"You are joining us in two weeks. no cold weather will come during that time." Max says to Roxy.

Roxy does not look convinced, "You are going up north. You can never be too sure."

Max nods, "We will take care of the pups until you arrive."

The car starts to move as Chase and Marshall stick their head out of the window.

"Bye, mom! Bye everybody!" they both shout. "See you in two weeks!" Jeff calls out one last time. Everyone waves and says goodbye until the car is out of view.

"Four dogs down, two to go." Jeff says out loud. Jeff is driving with Chase, Zach, and Marshall in the middle seats, and the four dogs are sitting in the back, almost pressing into one another.

Jeff looks for one of the four dogs, "Hunter, how did everything go with your resignation at the recycling center?"

"Everything went smooth." Hunter says, "The boss is disappointed in me leaving, but he says he understands when a better employment opportunity opens up. Indy and Hank said they will miss me."

"And what about you, Blaze?" Jeff calls out to the Dalmatian.

"Same story, everyone's fired up about me being selected for this program." Blaze cracks bad jokes as if he wins the lottery every time. Marshall starts laughing while Max and Hunter let out a sigh. It is going to be a long trip.

Wendy, the Oxfords, the Taylors, Indy, Hank, and Hunter belong to me.

Jeff, Max, Blaze, Roxy, and Misty belong to ThreadyRumble.

Zachary(Ryder), Chase, Marshall, and Rocky belong to spinmasters.

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