Chapter 12

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3 months later...

Jeff and his canine team stand in front of the brand new lookout. Its design is more interesting than normal public service stations. The building is a massive circle, about eighty feet in diameter. The walls of the building are leaning inward at a slight angle. the circle has a second story seventy-five feet in diameter, with walls slanted as well. A tower seven stories tall and fifteen feet in diameter rises from the buildings center point. The top of the tower has a wrap around balcony with a red, metal overhanging roof. Six huge, metal garage doors are evenly spaced around the buildings first floor. The second floor has windows over the garage doors. The outside walls of the first and second floor have a gray coat of paint, clean and wet from morning dew.

Everyone is amazed at the interesting architecture of their new workplace. "Impressive." Jeff says with his hands on his hips.

"This organization must have spent crazy money to make this." Blaze says, still staring at the building. Jeff opens a manual in his hands. The manual shows how to operate the building.

"Ok everyone," Jeff speaks up, "the entrance is right there," Jeff points to a double sliding door in front of the group, "and the first floor is comprised of seven garages that will house your vehicles and work related gear. Each garage will be fitted out to the dog's specific role in the team."

"Seven garages?" Hunter questions, "I only see six."

Jeff walks around the building, then back to the dogs, "Your right, only six." Jeff flips through several manual pages. After a minute of silent reading, Jeff finds what he is looking for. "It says there is a garage hidden under the front entrance walkway, which lifts to let out small vehicles such as motorbikes, bicycles, ATVs, and other related vehicles. The caution strip marks the hidden entrance." Sure enough, there are two black and yellow strips spanning the width of the walkway fifteen feet apart; ten feet from the sliding doors.

"That is awesome!" Rocky exclaims. Max and Hunter begin to walk forward.

"I'm itching to look inside now." Max says.

Everyone follows the shepherd inside. The sliding doors open to a room with an elevator opposite of the front door. The walls of the room funnel towards the elevator. There is a fire pole from the second floor heading down to the hidden garage below. There is also a door on each side wall, leading to the garages. Rocky peeks in one of the garages. It is an empty gray room with a concrete floor.

"There are restrooms on the other side of this floor." Jeff says as he pushes a button on the elevator. The elevator opens.

"To the second floor we go." Max says as everyone piles into the elevator. When the elevator opens on the second floor, everyone is greeted with a bar on the far wall. The bar is tall and black with a marble counter top. The bar sits between two five foot glass cylinders. At the bottom of each cylinder is a dispenser leading to a built in bowl on the ground.

"A coffee bar and two dog dispensers, probably for food and water." Jeff says, rubbing his finger across the clean bar. The group then walks into the left door.

They come into a room with a couch and two recliner chairs. The wall is covered by windows with a five by seven widescreen TV.

"This is the lounge area." Jeff says, flipping through the manual. Astonishment is plastered on the dogs' faces.

"Why an oversized TV?!" Max asks.

"Why? Complaining?" Blaze says to Max. Blaze pounces onto the couch and stretches out his limbs, letting out a satisfying sigh. Jeff continues walking to the next door. Jeff peeks into the room to find it bare of any furniture.

"This is one of the six rooms." Jeff says, closing the door.

"We can claim rooms later." Hunter heads for the elevator, "I want to see the command center."

Everyone goes up to the command center, which is only thirty feet in diameter; forty if you count the balcony. A massive five by six feet screen hangs from the ceiling. A window goes around the entirety of the wall, with a plethora of buttons and switches underneath, lining the wall. To the left of the elevator is a double door leading to the wrap around balcony overlooking the town.

"This is where you all will report for duty." Jeff informs the team, "Until I go through the manual, do not touch any of the buttons. We don't want to break the tower day one."

The four dogs go onto the balcony with the morning sun. The metal railing is wet with dew. The town of Adventure Bay sits in the valley, surrounded by mountains. The valley itself is thirty miles across.

"So, we are in charge of maintaining all of that." Hunter states.

"Yep, we will be ready for it." Jeff says, standing behind the dogs.

Hunter belongs to me.

Jeff, Blaze, and Max belong to ThreadyRumble.

Rocky and adventure bay belongs to spinmasters.

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