Chapter 9

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Hunter is gutting ready for work when Jeff calls him into the master bedroom. No one else is awake.

"What is it, Jeff?" Hunter whispers. Wendy is still asleep on the bed.

Jeff gets on one knee and whispers, "I have a few things to share with you." Hunter gets closer.

"First, I reviewed Zach's math books, and he has an average of one-hundred percent."

Hunter's mouth drops open, "How is that possible?"

"I don't know. I was shocked to find out as well. Zach is very smart, I don't know what to do for his education. He's going to be beyond my understanding by next week."
Jeff pauses before continuing, "I know you're not a typical tutor, but can you help Zach with his math if he needs it?"

Hunter nods his head, "Sure, I can help."

Jeff nods as well, "The other thing I want to tell you will involve us moving."

The Doberman is put off by this. Why move away from such a nice neighborhood?

"Why move?" Hunter asks.

"I got a letter from the California government. They want to station me up north with a new organization. One that heavily involves dogs. I need six dogs to make my new station operational, Wendy and Max has agreed to it, and I am asking you if you want to join. All our job transfers and moving expenses will be paid for, as long as we show up for duty."

A feeling of curiosity flows through Hunter. The idea of moving away from his only home makes him uncomfortable, but Hunter then remembers the same feeling of uncertainty with MIT. He does not want to make the same mistake again. Here is another chance with a new path.

"I would like to join. But it's not permanent. I still have the hope of going to MIT one day."

"That day will come," Jeff says, "And until then, you can join my team for as long as you need."
Hunter thanks Jeff and asks, "Where are we moving to."

Jeff pulls out that government letter Hunter saw yesterday. Jeff looks at the letter, "It is up north in a small town by a bay. The bay is on the Pacific Ocean close to Neah Bay Washington."

"The state!?" Hunter forgot to whisper and speaks at normal volume. Wendy stirs in the bed as Jeff freezes. She doesn't wake up.

Jeff turns his attention back to Hunter, "It is not that far from here compared to other outposts. I know it's outside your zone of comfort, but I am certain you will enjoy the adventure."

That is all Jeff has to say. He will tell Zach and the pups when they are awake. Hunter then leaves to tell work about his new endeavor.

Hunter and Wendy belong to me.
Max and Jeff belong to ThreadyRumble.
Zachary(Ryder) and the pups belong to spinmasters.

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