Chapter 18

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Jeff and Hunter arrive at the lookout. The lights in Max and Skye's room are on, and the command center is lit up like a light house. Jeff and Hunter rush to the command center. They find Max and Blaze comforting a trembling cockapoo. Jeff scoops her up in his arms.

"Is everyone okay, Max?" Jeff asks the shepherd.

"Blaze, Skye and I are unharmed. I haven't checked on the others yet."

"Have everyone meet here." Jeff commands.

After a little while, everyone is standing in attention. They all face Jeff. Skye is sitting to the side, finally calming down about the event.

"No evidence was found in her room other than a cinder block." Max reports.

"Thank you, Max." Jeff tells Max, "Until Skye is ready, Tell me what happened."

"I was in bed when I heard a window break and a door slam. Then Skye runs into my room, saying there is an intruder. Then, a tall, tan Great Dane runs into the room and charges at Skye. I jumped on him, but he was a hard onto pin down.  The other dogs came in to help subdue him, but he was too strong. Blaze got Skye out of my room and to the command center, and the Dane ran away. He was using a ladder to climb into Skye's room, which he knocked over before we could follow him."

Skye shutters at the thought of a massive brute trying to get her.

"The outfit he has on makes me think it is the same Dane who was bullying Skye the day we met her. He had a grey French bulldog with him."

"Did you get their names?" Jeff asks.

"No. I told them to leave Skye alone. As I started walking to them, they ran away."

Rocky speaks up, "What's the plan, sir?"

Jeff looks forward, behind the dogs, as he thinks. He then says, "For the foreseeable future, I want Skye to stay with me and the pups. Until those two are caught or leave town, I want you dogs to travel in pairs and be extra cautious."

Everyone says yes sir before returning to their quarters. Hunter, Skye, and Jeff head back home. By the time they returned to the house, it was twelve in the morning. Wendy, Roxy, Zach, and the pups are awake and in the living room, waiting for Jeff to return. The front door opens, and Jeff walks in with Hunter and Skye in tow. Hunter closes the door.

"Jeff," Wendy says with worry, "Is everything alright? Are the dogs okay?"

"Yes," Jeff says, "They are fine. Skye will stay with us for a couple of weeks."

"Did you catch the criminal?" Chase asks, scared and excited.

"No, he got away." Hunter tells the pup. Chase let's out a moan of disappointment. Roxy hugs Chase tighter than she already was.

"Wendy, I want you to be extra careful with the pups and Skye." Jeff says to his wife. Wendy nods, and everyone goes to bed. For Skye, it is almost impossible to sleep that night.

It is midnight. A tan great Dane and a French bulldog make their way through the neighborhood to a run-down shed. The shed is in the yard of a spooky, broken-down Victorian house. It is the only house that is different from the rest. It is the type of house that gives you a terrible feeling upon looking at it. Everyone steers clear of that house. The duo goes inside the shed and close the door, leaving them in the darkness.

"Oh boy, Hubcap," The Dane says, adrenaline still coursing through his veins, " That cop was easier to pound than what we took him for." The Dane is wearing a maroon leather jacket with a yellow shirt underneath and black cargo pants.

"Yes, but you still didn't get that cockapoo." Hubcap says with a gruff, stern voice. He is wearing a zipped up black jacket with decorative studs and navy blue jeans. "If you got in quietly, we would have her here by now."

"You said figure it out, so I did, by breaking it."

Hubcap growls. He turns away from the Dane and looks down at the ground, "Nevertheless, we need a new plan to catch that mutt and get revenge on that copper, making us look like chickens."

Hubcap continues to stare at the ground as the Dane settles down. A few minutes go by.

"Aha!" Hubcap exclaims, "I got an idea." Hubcap turns to the Dane, who is asleep now, to Hubcap's surprise. Hubcap's annoyance grows with each sawing snore.

"Dwayne!" Hubcap barks. The Dane wakes up clouded in confusion, "Is it morning already?"

Hubcap face-paws himself, "It has been three minutes." Hubcap walks towards Dwayne, "I have a plan to have our fun with that little mutt and get even with that cop."

Dwayne shakes off his slumber, "Okay, when do we begin?"

"Not now." Hubcap says, "They are looking for us right now. We will wait until the heat dies down a little. Then we will make our move."

"When will that be?" Dwayne is now fully awake.

"Very soon, Dwayne," Hubcap says with a sinister smile, "Very soon. When the heat lifts, we will need to borrow supplies from the hardware store. We will also need your wood crafting skills."

Dwayne rubs his paws together in excitement, and both dogs wait in anticipation to initiate their diabolical plan.

Hunter and Wendy belong to me.
Jeff, Max, Blaze, and Roxy belong to ThreadyRumble.
Rocky, Rubble, Zuma, Chase, Marshall, Skye, Zachary(Ryder), Hubcap, and Dwayne belong to spinmasters.

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