Chapter 11

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The summer sun is high in the clear sky as Jeff approaches a minuscule town right on the bay. A single two lane street is all that stands between the town and the bay's beach. The beach is half a football field from the road to the water. For a small town, they have a large bridge stretching across the bay. A blue bridge sixty feet above the water's surface which resembles a miniature replica of the Golden Gate Bridge. Each building has its own design, with a row of small shops and businesses along the main road. There is a small neighborhood behind the town. The town itself is surrounded by rounded snow top mountains. To the north of town, a small clearing on top of a hill is visible with a construction crew working on a tower.

"That hill is where our post will be." Jeff says, pointing to the construction site. Instead of going to the site, Jeff drives to the small neighborhood. The houses all look the same; same gray color, same small style, and maybe the same interior. These houses were about the same size as the Ryders' old house. Jeff parks in the driveway to one of the houses with a sold sign out front. It is an eerily quiet neighborhood, with the only sound being Jeff and the team getting out of the car. Jeff opens the Tahoe trunk and begins to unload when a black civic pulls up on the front lawn curb. a man with chestnut brown skin in a suit and tie gets out and introduces himself.

"You must be Lieutenant Ryder?" The sharp dressed man asks.

"Yes sir, I am." Jeff says, shaking the man's hand.

"I am Mayor Gustavo Goodway, and i welcome you and your team to my humble little town of Adventure Bay."

"Pleasure to meet you." Jeff says. He gestures towards the dogs, "This is the canine team I'll be leading in this town."

Mayor Gustavo looks them over, "Isn't those two too small to be public service officers?"

Jeff turns to see Chase and Marshall sitting up front with their chests puffed up.

"No, those two will join when they are bigger, the four behind them are the team I have. We will find dogs to fit the last two slots before the lookout is finished."

"It's called the lookout?" Max asks.

"Yes, it sure is." Mayor Gustavo walks up to the dogs.

Jeff comes beside the mayor, "This is the team so far: Max, our police dog. Blaze, our fire dog. Hunter and Rocky, our recycle dogs."

"Thank you all for accepting this act of service." Mayor Gustavo says, "However, I don't think we need two recycling dogs."

"I'll be taking one of the other jobs, Rocky is our recycling dog." Hunter says.

"And what job do you plan on taking."

"Three more jobs are required to make our group operational." Jeff chimes in, "We need a construction dog, a coast guard, and an aviator."

Mayor Gustavo raises an eyebrow, "Construction, aviator? Can a dog even drive a car, let alone a flying vessel?"

"I have seen programs teaching dogs to drive in smaller modified cars," Jeff says, "and I guess they have the same program for flying. My superior said we are getting prototypes of dog friendly vehicles and a helicopter."

"Can't wait to watch that go down." Blaze says, putting a smile on his face.

Max paws his face, like a human face palming.

"That was funnier than normal." Hunter says.

Mayor Gustavo looks at his watch, "Well, I must be getting back to town hall. It is nice meeting you. May your team have the best of luck Lieutenant." He gets into the civic and drives away.

"Jeff," Hunter says, "what are these dog cars, specifically?"

Jeff turns to go into the house. the dogs walk with him as Jeff is talking, "Each dog is getting his own driving vehicle to learn. For Max, you will be getting a 4x4 police vehicle. For you Blaze, you are getting a miniature fire truck, complete with a ladder and hoses."

"What is my vehicle?" Rocky asks in excitement.

"You will be getting your own recycle truck, with a forklift and trash compartment."

Rocky smiles at the thought of him driving around in a truck.

"And the last three vehicles are a mini backhoe with attachments, a hovercraft for the water, and a small helicopter for our aviator."

Everyone is in the house at this point. Blaze is the last one in, pulling a suitcase.

"How do we find dogs for the last two slots Jeff?" Blaze asks.

Jeff puts down his luggage, then heads back to the car for another load, "Once the lookout is complete, I will send word to the surrounding towns for dogs to come interview for the last slots."

After Jeff finished explaining everything, everyone focused on unpacking the car. Afterwards, they will head out into town and get familiar with the locals they will be helping and protecting.

Hunter belongs to me.

Jeff, Max, and Blaze belong to ThreadyRumble.

Zach(Ryder, he's still here), Chase, Marshall, and Gustavo Goodway belong to Spinmasters.

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