Chapter 6

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3 months later...

Everyone is in the living room, filled with a warm glow from the Christmas tree. The smell of peppermint and gingerbread is strong in the air. Hunter, Max, and Roxy are sitting on the floor facing the tree. Wendy, Jeff, and the Oxford couple are on the couches and chairs lining the walls. Zach and Chase are sitting in the middle of the floor. The tree is in the corner of the room. All the presents have been opened with one remaining.

"Zach, can you tell us who the last present is for?" Jeff asks his son. Zach takes the present and reads the tag on it.

"Max!" The excited toddler says. Zach runs over to Max. Max tears open the present to reveal a soft, blue blanket. Max takes the blanket and rolls himself up in it. Despite wearing a thick, blue winter sweater and pajama pants, Max enjoys how cozy the blanket is. Roxy lays her head on the blanket, her own grey sweater touching it.

"That's all of them." Says David Oxford. "We have enjoyed our time with your family Jeff."

Jeff says, "Your welcome. I'm glad you came."

Jeff adjusts the collar of his red, white, and green sweater and stands. "Surprise announcement." He says to everyone, "I have one last present I would like to give."

Jeff starts walking to the front door.

"Who's it for?" Both Zach and Chase say in curiosity. Jeff turns around to look at them, "It's for you two." Zach and Chase get excited. They can't keep still.

"I'll be back." Jeff leaves, closing the door behind him.

"A surprise gift?" Hunter says, scratching the collar of his red sweater, "Must be a good one."

Chase runs and jumps onto his dad's blanket.

"Dad, do you know what it is?" He asks with great effort. Chase began talking a month after his veterinarian appointment and is doing well, with some struggles.

"Yes I do Chase." Max says in a playful tone. Chase continues wriggling around the blanket, trying to get inside.

"Will you tell me please?" Chase is successful in snuggling in the blanket. The only part of Chase visible is his pajama pants and a tiny, furry tail peeking out next to Max's face. The tail wags back and forth, grazing Max on his muzzle.

"I won't tell anyone." Chase says muffled. Everyone except Roxy starts laughing. Roxy mouths Chase's pajamas with grace and caution as she pulls him out, worrying about him suffocating.

Max looks at his son with playful eyes and says with a smile, "He is going to get you a big, cardboard box."

Chase shakes his head no and tries to weasel back in the blanket, "No dad, it's something else."

"Noooo, no, it's just a big, empty, cardboard box for you to shred."

Chase tumbles off his dad, giving up. He makes his way to Hunter.

"Uncle Hunter, can you tell me what it is?" Chase gives Hunter the puppy eyes, the eyes dogs do when they want something.

"No clue." Hunter told the adorable pup, "And the puppy eyes only work on humans, not other dogs." Chase slumps down next to Hunter and let's out a sigh. Dogs sigh or shake their heads to relax, even if they don't want to.

"Are you enjoying your new dog house?" Hunter asks Chase. Chase gets up and scrambles to a dog house half the size of the chairs. The house has a blue wood frame and metal walls and a curved, metal ceiling. Over the entrance is a glowing sign with the word 'CHASE.'

Chase goes inside and closes the chicken wire door.

"It's awesome." Chase says.

"It's amazing how you made that Hunter." Sharon, David's wife, says to Hunter.

"It wasn't easy." Hunter says, "It took a lot of patience, a dog pack, and a hammered paw." Hunter cringes when mentioning the memory. He was shaking his paw for ten minutes straight.

"Hunter, is there any rust or sharp edges Chase could hurt himself on?" Roxy asks.

Hunter looks at Roxy, "No sharp edges, and I cleaned the parts before using them. And before you ask, there is no rot on the wood or toxins in the neon light."

Roxy walks over to the little dog house. She takes a close look at the door, "I don't like the chicken wire door. What if Chase gets his paw or mouth stuck on it?"

Max shakes his head. Roxy always made a fuss about everything concerning Chase's well-being.

"I guess I can find something else to use instead." Hunter says to satisfy Roxy's worries.

Everyone continues to talk amongst each other while Zach and Chase played in front of the tree. The front door opens wide with Jeff carrying a non-see-through plastic box, a foot in all dimensions.

"I'm back!" Jeff calls out. "Zach, Chase, please sit on the rug." Jeff walks to the living room. Zach and Chase scurry to the middle of the floor. Jeff sets the box down on the rug. There are breathing holes in the lid.

Jeff grabs a camera and starts recording, "Alright you two, are you ready to open your last gift?"

Zach and Chase squirm impatiently. Jeff kneels down, pointing the camera at the box, "Okay, you may open it."

Zach pulls the lid off and falls backward in shock. Chase reaches over the side and peers down into the box. Laying in the box is a small. White Dalmatian puppy, half a foot long, with a red onesie and a yellow ribbon around its neck. Everyone in the room melts. Chase is the only one confused.

"What is it?" Chase asks, seeing everyone's reaction.

"It's a baby dog." Max tells the confused pup, "Just like you."

Jeff reaches down and picks up the puppy with one hand. He lays it in Zach's lap. Zach begins to cuddle with the puppy. Chase comes over and sniffs the new pup.

"Jeff," Wendy says, "I thought we agreed: No more dogs after Chase."

Jeff hands David the camera and sits next to Wendy, "We did, but the neighbors with the Dalmatians had a slow growing puppy in their litter. I thought giving Chase a play buddy with the same disability will make Chase feel better about his situation."

Wendy smiles at her husband, "That is thoughtful of you, but now we have more dogs than people in the house."

"Just one more." Jeff says.

Wendy raises an eyebrow at him, "Any more?"

"Okay, this Dalmatian is the last dog we get. I promise this time."

Hunter gets close to Zach. Zach is still holding the puppy.

"What is his name?" Hunter asks. All the dogs huddle around the Dalmatian.

Jeff says, "His parents named him Marshall."

Hunter, David and Sharon Oxford, and Wendy belong to me.
Jeff, Max, and Roxy belong to ThreadyRumble.
Zachary(Ryder), Chase, and Marshall belong to spinmasters.

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