Chapter 17

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4 days later...

Hunter is staring at Jeff's bookshelf, searching for a specific book. After helping Skye get settled as the sixth member of the UDCFR, Hunter went to the Ryder's neighborhood home. Years ago, Hunter ignored an opportunity to fulfill a life goal. Now, he is going to finish that goal. Hunter gazes at the shelves of books for a minute or two when he finds what he is looking for: Jeff's old SAT guide. This book helped Jeff study for his SAT test. After getting permission from Jeff, Hunter grabs the book. He goes to the coffee table and opens the first page. From there, Hunter studied. He studied up on the usual academics hour by hour, page after page. By lunch time, Hunter has studied for four hours straight. He thought of stopping now, but he didn't want to blow this opportunity again. After lunch, Hunter continues his studying late into the evening. When nine-thirty came around, Hunter is in the book's last twenty pages. Soon, his studying will be over, and Hunter will be ready for his life goal.

Jeff walks in to see Hunter still at the coffee table, the SAT guide still in front of him, and his dog pack still holding a pencil. The claw is writing down notes in a notebook. "Hunter," Jeff says, "It is almost ten, it is time to go down for the night."

Hunter looks up at Jeff, "Yes sir, I have twenty more pages left. They aren't long. I will be finished before ten."

Jeff exhales. It took him three weeks to go through the SAT guide and here Hunter is doing it in a day. "I need to see if you or Zach is a faster learner." He says in astonishment. "Okay, you have 'til ten to be done, and no later."

Jeff joins his wife in the master bedroom and turns off the lights. Hunter continues to study. Ten minutes go by, and Hunter begins to hear Jeff talking to someone. He doesn't know what he is saying, but Jeff sounds confused and apprehensive. Hunter gets uneasy from Jeff's suspenseful tone. He gets up and goes to the master door when Jeff rushes out, almost tripping over Hunter.

"Hunter, come with me now!" Jeff says in a frenzy. Hunter follows Jeff and gets in the car with him. Jeff waists no time in starting the car. He starts driving as fast as he can, going ten miles above the speed limit.

"What's going on?" Hunter asks, confused and worried. Jeff turns out of the neighborhood with a slight skid. When the Tahoe is going straight again, Jeff says, "Blaze called. Someone broke into the lookout and is attacking the team."

All the air escapes Hunter. Someone is attacking the lookout! How? Why?

Jeff continues, "Blaze said a large dog got in through an upstairs window and is being aggressive towards the dogs. I need you to be ready to help subdue him if necessary."

Hunter is still horrified by what Jeff told him, but he nods. All Hunter can do now is wait to arrive, and hope everyone remains safe from the unknown assailant.

"There." Rocky says, helping Skye set up her room with decorations, "How is that?"

Skye inspects the name plate Rocky attached to the door. "It is perfect. Thanks sir." Skye says. Rocky looks around the room. Pink walls with a white roof and floor, a violet bean bag and a silver food and water dog bowl, and cute decorations of flowers throughout the room.

"Looks like my work here is done." Rocky says, closing his dog pack. The final rays of the day cast a faint orange glow in the room, with stars beginning to come forth. Rocky is about to leave when he turns around and says, "By the way, we're coworkers now. You can call me Rocky."

Skye blushes, "Sorry. Goodnight Rocky."

Rocky says goodnight back and leaves. Skye looks around her new room and squeals in delight. Her dream of flying is coming true. Having her own copter, working with an amazing group of individuals, Skye wonders if life can't get any better. After basking in the room's aurora, she settles on her bean bag and drifts off to sleep.

Skye wakes up four hours later from a sound outside. The sound of metal clanking right outside her window. It sounds like a metal ladder being placed. Then the sound of someone climbing the ladder gets louder with each passing second. Skye shakes off her grogginess and looks towards her window. Before she gets up, a huge shadow figure appears behind the violet drapes. It took a lot to keep down the scream attempting to escape Skye. It might be her imagination getting wild. Maybe Rocky forgot to add something to her window. Any hope for these options wash away when the window shatters. A big cinder block flies into the room. Skye shoots out of bed as the cinder block sinks into the bean bag. Skye runs towards the door. As she leaves, she catches a glimpse of a massive dog pouncing into the room. Skye closes the door, crosses the hall, and enters Max's room. She slams the door shut, waking up Max.

Intruders! In my room!" Skye screams as she runs behind Max. the commotion brought Rocky and Blaze into the room. The door Skye came from slams open, startling everyone. A massive dog, four feet in stature, is standing in the doorway. The moon gives off enough light to make out details. A huge, tan great Dane with a maroon leather jacket and black cargo pants charges into the room. Max rushes towards the Dane but is quickly bashed to the side. The giant makes a bee line for Skye. Rocky and Blaze jump the Dane. Rubble and Zuma enter the room and help subdue the massive animal. One by one, the dogs are thrown or pushed away by the intruder.

"Fire dog!" Max avoids using names, "Take the aviator and head for the command center! call the commander!" Blaze lets Skye through the open door, away from the chaos in the dark. The great Dane doubles his effort to reach Skye but is jumped again by the four other dogs. By the time the Dane is free again, the door is closed, and Blaze and Skye are gone. Seeing this, the Dane runs back to Skye's room. The other dogs give chase. Max enters Skye's room to see the intruder outside the window and going down the ladder. Max runs to the window, but the ladder is knocked over. Max can make out the Dane's silhouette and the silhouette of a smaller dog, running towards the forest, and then disappearing into the night.

Max growls in frustration. Something about those two seem familiar, like Max has seen them recently. He turns his attention to Skye's room and everyone in it. "Nobody touches a thing." Max orders, "I will search for evidence, you guys prepare for Jeff's arrival." Everyone leaves the room. Max turns on the light in Skye's room and his own room. Before searching for evidence, Max goes to the command center to check on Skye. Blaze has his front paw comforting Skye. She is trembling from nose to tail, in her pink pajamas.

"Are you alright Skye?" Max asks the terrified cockapoo. Skye shakes her head and continues to tremble with fear. Blaze continues to gently rub her back, "She is not injured, just frightened."

A wave of relief falls over Max. Who knows what might've taken place had the brute made it to Skye. Car lights appear in the driveway. Max looks over the balcony to see Jeff's Tahoe parking.

Max goes back inside, "I will search the rooms for evidence. Take Skye to the living room and wait for Jeff. We will discuss what to do next when we are all together."

Hunter is owned by me.

Jeff, Max, and Blaze are owned by ThreadyRumble.

Skye, Rocky, Rubble, Zuma, and Zachary (Ryder) are owned by Spinmasters.

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