Chapter 13

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Two weeks later...

"Hunter! Rocky! Are you done installing your name tags?!" Jeff yells to the dogs from the tower balcony. The team has been hard at work settling into the lookout. In two weeks, they fitted out the living quarters and garages to each dog's job. Two of the garages are untouched for the last two members yet to join.

"I don't like it when he talks to us from there." Rocky says, using Hunter's claw pack to stabilize a sign to the garage door. the green, metal, rectangular sign has Rocky's name on it.

Hunter, using a spare claw pack, grabs a bull horn. "We can barely hear what you're saying! Can you come down?!" Hunter shouts into the bull horn. Jeff disappears into the command center.

"Hunter, I have the sign still." Rocky says to Hunter.

"Good." Hunter turns and runs to the lookout entrance, "Wait there, I want to show you a new dog pack."

A few minutes go by before Hunter and Jeff come out of the lookout. Hunter has a green backpack on. "Ready to see this new pack in action Rocky?" Hunter asks. Rocky nods his head. Hunter barks and the backpack emits a low motor sound. "Flathead screwdriver." Hunter calls out. The side of the pack opens, and a robotic arm of moving parts emerges from the pack. The end of the arm transforms into a flathead screwdriver. The robotic arm moves towards the top right corner of the sign. Three screws later, and the sign is secured to the garage door.

"Now the packs are voice activated." Hunter says as the arm returns inside the pack. Rocky and Jeff are astonished by Hunter's intellect at work.

"That is so cool." Rocky says, "What else can it do?"

Hunter inhales before speaking, "It can also do a Phillips head, hammer, wrench, socket wrench, monkey wrench, claw, nail gun, calk gun, handsaw, pliers, bolt cutters, crowbar, welder, and other things to add later." Hunter catches his breath before continuing, "You will have to let someone load the calk gun and fuel the welder manually, as the calk and fuel can't be stored inside the pack."

"I'm amazed you have room in that small pack for that list of tools." Jeff says. Hunter turns to Jeff and barks before saying, "Pack open."

Both sides of the pack open to let Jeff and Rocky look inside. Inside are gears, metal bars, and moving parts.

"They assemble and disassemble to fit inside." Hunter explains. Rocky steps back as the pack closes.

"Can I try it out?" Rocky asks.

"Sure, it's going to be yours anyways." Hunter takes off the pack and offers it to Jeff. Jeff helps Rocky put the pack on. The green pack goes well with Rocky's green recycling uniform.

"Thanks, Hunter." Rocky says with a gleam in his eye. Hunter enjoys it when people enjoy his creations, unlike certain tech companies Hunter knows of.

"You're welcome." Hunter says, "And that is only the beginning."

Both Rocky and Jeff look at Hunter with anticipation.

"I'll be making a pack for every member, fitting their talents and job."

"Sounds like some work." Rocky says to Hunter.

"Well, if you want to help me Rocky, you're more than welcome." Hunter heads inside the lookout.

The blare of a semi horn explodes through the air. Hunter whips around to see a semi with stylish vehicles he has never seen before.

"Hunter, call the rest of the dogs to come outside." Jeff says, "Your custom vehicles are here."

Hunter runs inside and rounds up everyone. The semi backs onto the yard next to the lookout and carefully offloads the vehicles. After a brief discussion with the driver and signing of papers, the semi leaves. The dogs walk to the vehicles. Each vehicle is a different color. The police vehicle, a four by four with a winch in the front, is blue with a black trim. The fire truck, a small fire truck with an open air driver seat, is red with a white trim. The truck also has a white extendable ladder in the back. The recycling truck is green with orange forklifts in the front, and a recycling compactor as the backside of the truck. The other three vehicles are a yellow dog sized backhoe, an orange and silver hovercraft, and a cute, boxy, gray helicopter.

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