Chapter 13

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Holy shit... Man this is getting long, and I'm like... Only halfway done with the storyline... This is a new passion
What's to do when you make out with your ex, then run away from them when faced with the possibility of exposing your pain? Well eda knows, but she's not going to think about that. That's her whole deal. She ignores her problems.

Eda was currently at work, and to her surprise, Liam wanted to come with her again. So eda has him a little job.  When women ordered the infamous angel shits, eda let Liam handle the job.  While eda was cleaning a few glasses and serving more drinks, she heard the u expecting voice. "Can I get tequila?"  Eda turned around and saw odalia, sitting in front of her. "oh-.. Uhm.. Sure" eda muttered, made the drink, and slid it to odalia.  Odalia downed it, then sighed, and handed the glass back to eda.

Eda smacked her lips, not questioning the woman's behavior because she'd been there. Eda just refilled the glass.  "Rough night?" Eda asked. "What do you care?" Odalia remarked in an angry tone. "It's part of the job, you fix drinks and listen to people's problems,"  Eda said with a small chuckle.  Odalia downed another glass, which eda refilled. "My husband cheated on me.." Odalia groaned.   Eda really already knew, so she just nodded. "Mm.. Damn, that's.. Uh unfortunate" Eda muttered. "And with that slut, Darius," odalia said, and Put her head down. Eda put a crazy straw in Odalia's glass, which was immediately put to use.  

Eda sighed. Remembering all the empty broken nights she spent at bars, trying to drink away her pain, and suffering.  It never worked and she always ended up crying her eyes out and glass all over wherever she was living in the moment. "I just... I don't understand, why did he agree to, until death does us part, if he didn't mean it" Odalia complained, her eyes watering a little. Eda refilled Odalia's glass, then leaned against the counter. "This shit gets messy. And half the time it doesn't end well" eda said, grabbing Odalia's attention. "Love is.. Addictive. But sometimes you realize it wasn't love. It was either lust or. Possession" Eda explained, odalia rolled her eyes in return. "Oh yeah, because you're just a love expert aren't you?" She asked in a sarcastic tone. Eda scoffed. "Far from it. I'm just. Speaking from personal experience" eda said, then made odalia another glass. 

Odalia finally sat up, holding her head. "Weren't you and Raine voted best friends or something? How could your relationship be based on obsession and lust?" Odalia asked. Eda looked down at Liam who was reading a comic. "I.. Wasn't talking about Raine" eda muttered. "Who else is dumb enough to lay down with you?" Odalia asked. "Okay. I'mma let that one slide.. " eda sighed to herself.   "That's none of your Business.. Do you have the money to pay for these?" Eda asked. "I- AM A sucESSful Business WoMAN!" Odalia yelled, her words slurring.  

Eda rolled her eyes, then gave odalia another glass. "So. did you find out he was cheating.. Or did he tell you?" Eda asked. "The fool told me.. " odalia said, and drank through the crazy straw.  "Hm, consider yourself lucky then. At least he had the decency to come clean" eda muttered.   That's when she saw Raine enter the bar from afar, his eyes widened, and she ducked down with Liam.  "What are you doing?" Liam asked. "Shhh!!" Eda hissed.

Raine came up to the bar and saw odalia in the horrible state she was in. "Odalia?  Are you okay?" They asked. "Do I LOOK okay!?  My marriage is dead! And your stupid girlfriend is hiding so I can't get another drink!!" Odalia said as she went off. "Girlfriend? I don't- oh you mean calamity. " Raine muttered to themselves. "Eda works here?" Raine asked. "Yea.. " odalia sighed.  Liam stood up and just handed odalia the bottle.  "What can I poison- I mean serve you with" Liam asked.

Raine chuckled. "Hey. It's Liam right?" Raine asked, and Liam nodded.  "Where's your mom?"  Raine asked with a crooked smile. "My father killed my mom," Liam said no chalantly. Both Raine and odalia looked disturbed.  "I-i ment eda" Raine muttered. "Oh. She's not my mom?" Liam said in confusion. "Well, I mean. She takes care of you, doesn't she?" Raine asked, Liam nodded. "Sounds like a mother to me, she might not have given birth to you, but I'm sure she's doing her best to raise you," Raine said, in an admirable tone. Raine left, and eda sighed in relief.

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