Chapter 20

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Holy shit, it's getting long! 🥰🥰🥰

As eda was walking home, the night was peaceful. The streetlight, aluminating the streets, as a few cars passed by.  While eda was walking, a cool breeze hit, and one of Liam's hospital documents flew out her hand, and into an ally way. Eda smacked her lips, then went to get the papers, as she grabbed it, and folded it, and stuck it in her pocket, the sound of a gun cocking was beard right next to her ear.

"Your coming with me"

Eda froze, but not from fear.  "Why would I do that?" Eda asked, her tone was cold, surprising the man holding the gun. "B-because! I said so! I-im gonna take you! And then fuck you! So be afraid!" He said, obvious this was his first time doing this. Even if it wasn't eda wouldn't be scared.

"So that's it then?.. " eda asked, his voice solemn with little anger, little sadness, but understanding. "You're going to kill me to get laid?"  Eda asked. The man with the gun was stunned, how could she make such a comment with a gun pointed at her head? "Shut up! I could take you right here and now! You grateful I'm killing you first!!" He shouted. Eda's thoughts intertwined into a month of what could only be called a physical tragedy. "Grateful?..for death?" She asked. "Yes,"  she said. The man was shocked, who could possibly be grateful for death? "You should be afraid of me!! Begging me to let you go!" He shouted. "Can't you see!? I just threatened to rape you!! AND THAT'S YOUR REACTION!?" he asked, his eyes burning and his hand trembling. Eda chuckled, never moving a muscle. "When you go through something once... It doesn't hurt as much as the second time..most women who are molested fear men, or whoever had the audacity to be offended by the word no.." She said, the man's hand was shaking, who was this woman? What made her this way? "I know what it's like, feeling dirty, feeling their touch all over you, bathing in scorching hot make the feeling go away... Wanting to peel your skin away.. " eda explained. "I know the feeling.. " Eda sighed, a bittersweet smile on her lips. "Then why aren't you scared!? Men alone should have you in shambles!!" The man yelled. "I was molested by a woman... Not a man, so no I'm not afraid of men... And I'm not afraid of women either... " Eda took a deep breath, slow tears running down her cheeks. "I'm afraid of myself.. The things I've done, what I could possibly do to myself if I went so far down the drain... But I live with myself every single day, every hour, it's me.  Facing fear is a cop-out to tell a child they're brave, it doesn't mean shit.  Being brave.. Is something I can't say iv done, never in my life.. So holding me at gunpoint won't faze me.. I welcome the challenge, I tried to put a gun to my head and pull the trigger, so if you can do it, please... Be my guest" Eda said, the man shook his head and dropped the gun.  "No.. No, you are insane! Nobody should wish for death!" He yelled.

Eda finally moved and picked up the gun. She turned to the man and shot him in cold blood. It was only in the knee, so he wouldn't die. "Next time you threaten to rape a woman.. Or anyone for that matter, I want you to remember my face... I have 3 wonderful people in my life, who if I give them your name, you'll be dead in 48 hours.. Call the police.. Or you'll bleed out" she said, then stood up, removed the ammo from the gun, tossed it aside dropped the guy beside the man and left.

When eda got home, she checked on nakusa, and Cassandra who were asleep, then went to her own room. She did call Raine to let them know she made it home, and they sounded like she almost died or something.  

Eda didn't plan on sleeping for the obvious reasons, but had a feeling in her chest.. A feeling something wasn't right. 

Back in the rough part of the city, Vivian was screaming,throwing things. "PIECE OF SHIT!!"  She screamed. Terry sighed. "So you hit a child with a semi truck" Vivian glared at him.  " I was aiming for edalyn! But that brat jumped in the way!" Vivian argued. "You still hit a kid" Terry sighed.   "Shut up! Ughh!!! Why is it always her!? Every other girl broke! And I sold them no problem! But why was she different!?" Vivian asked herself. Terry stayed quiet. "I need a different job.. " she muttered to himself.  Vivian picked up her phone, and tried to use it, but suddenly a weird logo popped up, it had a science logo, a knife and a bullet on it and it made Vivian's phone but out. "What the hell!?" She blurted out. The vibrating was getting faster, and the screen was turning red.  The only thing Vivian could think to do, was to throw her phone at a wall. When her phone did hit the wall, it cracked, and broke. 

As Cassandra was typing rapidly, suddenly the loading screen faded off. "Shoot.. I lost signal" Cassandra said. "Damnit.. So you can't hack her phone?" Nakusa asked. "No.. I can't get back in, her phone must be broken"  Cassandra replied. "So what do we do now?" Liam asked. "We get you better, then we track this bitch down! That's what we do!"   Nakusa said with confidence. "Oh! That reminds me, Liam I made you a drug that will heal your bones quicker" Cassandra beamed. "Yay drugs" Liam said in his emotionaless tone.  "Mhm! It's  really strong, and illegal in 49 states! I found the recipe on the dark web" Cassandra beamed proudly. "Yay drugs" Liam repeated. "Where is it legal?" Nakusa asked. "Ohio!" Cassandra beamed. Nakusa smacked her lips. "It's always Ohio.. "  the door opened, and eda and Raine walked in. "What about ohio?" Eda asked. "Uhhh... Nothing-" Cassandra muttered. Eda and Raine exchanged knowing glances then chuckled. "Okay, spill it, what are you three up to this time"  eda asked in a playful tone.   

All three teens looked guilty, and tried to stay quiet. " Yeah science, right guys? Science" nakusa asked. "Y-yes?.. Science.. " Cassandra muttered, avoiding all eye contact. "Yes.. We're were engaging in science" Liam said. "Uh huh.. K well have fun.. I guess" eda muttered suspiciously.  "I swear.. You three get crazier everyday"  eda sighed.  "Hey eda, would you mind bringing some sandwiches?" Nakusa asked, as a way to get her to go away. "Really? Yeah sure, of course" eda answered happily sand dragged Raine with her.

The teens sighed in relief, then Cassandra gave Liam the drugs.  "Here, only take 1" Cassandra said, and Liam downed half the bottle. "Holy shit! Liam bro why!?" Nakusa asked. Liam laid there in pure bliss, his eyes vibrating and red. "Duuuuuude... The air smells like up dog" Liam said in a zones out voice. Nakusa started laughing, then got an idea. "Wait! Cass, don't you own some dude?" She asked. "Oh you mean him? Yeah, but I don't think of it as I own him.. More of he works for me.. For free" Cassandra said. "Whatever! He can help track down Vivian!" Nakusa beamed. "Ohhh.. He has I probably should of thought of that.. "  Cassandra said.

The plan was set, and so many things to be done..

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