EP 2

705 39 13

"Welcome to the Woodland Realm, King Archen and company." Phuwin, the Elven King from the Woodland Realm greeted them. 

Pond couldn't help but be enthralled by his looks

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Pond couldn't help but be enthralled by his looks. He really wasn't what he expected at all. Joong's voice shook him out of his thoughts.

"Please call me Joong. We are here to form an alliance after all. I hope that we can be friends by the end of this." Pond saw Joong plaster on his infamous smile. Phuwin had smiled politely in return. It was as if he was trying to keep his distance. Perhaps that was just how elves were. 

"That would be the best outcome that I'm looking for. Please call me Phuwin. I believe you've met my twin, Gemini and his mate, Fourth." He gestured towards Gemini and Fourth who greeted them at the border of the Woodland Realm. Joong nodded with a smile.

"Let's feast before we talk." Phuwin lead them towards the feast that his people had prepared for their guests. There was an abundance of food with dance. The elves are known for having a good time and their hospitality of course . Pond loved the smile that graced Phuwin's face but he wondered where was the high priest that people have been raving about. 

"Your highness, if you don't mind me asking. Is everyone present? I have heard of the high priest in your realm that people have been singing high praises of. I've been looking forward to meeting him." Pond tried his luck since he knew that Joong was more careful and calculative. He will take the blame for his subordination as usual. That was how they rolled. 

"You are a curious one, aren't you?" Phuwin smiled as he took notice of him. 

Pond had blushed as Phuwin took notice of him

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Pond had blushed as Phuwin took notice of him.

"Do excuse Pond, he is a general from my land. He always puts the best interest of the kingdom first and tries hard to find new ways to secure our land. The number of undead had been increasing recently. Many wraiths have been sighted near our land. He thought it was best to consult your high priest and perhaps exchange notes in the process." Joong had smoothly thought of an excuse to brush it over. Phuwin had nodded in understanding. 

"I do agree that the number of undead has been increasing which was why I agreed to this diplomatic meeting. But I'm afraid that my Dao does not like crowds. He doesn't fare well with strangers. Let's not think too much about it" Phuwin held a soft smile when he mentioned the name Dao. Pond clenched his fist. He doesn't deny the tinge of jealousy he felt within him when he heard how soft Phuwin sounded when he mentioned about this Dao whom was his high priest. He couldn't help but wonder if he was already taken with the said "Dao". He buries that feeling as he reminded himself that they are here on a diplomatic mission.    


Joong and Pond followed Phuwin, Gemini and Fourth to a room for the private meeting after the feast. Just as the house elf poured a glass of moonshine for each of them, a soft knock could be heard at the door. Pond was surprised when Phuwin got up and personally greeted the person. There was no way of knowing who that person was as he was hiding behind a robe with his hood on. He looked on as Phuwin whispered softly to him. Pond tried to keep his annoyance in check but the jealousy brewing within got the better of him. He flapped his wing that he had hidden in plain sight. It caused a strong gust of wind which blew the hood off the person, unveiling his face. Joong and Pond were shocked to see the face underneath it.

 Joong and Pond were shocked to see the face underneath it

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"Dunk..." The both whispered but they didn't have time to process the revelation. There was no recognition in Dunk's eyes. There was only wide fear as he panicked. Phuwin quickly pulled his hood back on and ushered him out of the room. He had asked Gemini and Fourth to entertain Joong and Pond before leaving. Joong had wanted to follow them but Pond was quick to stop him. He may be the rash one between the both of them but they really couldn't afford to anger Phuwin, the Elven King. 

It doesn't help that both Gemini and Fourth had blocked their way and ushered them to the table to drink a glass of moonshine. 

"Who was that person?" Pond couldn't help but ask.

"That was Dao, our high priest." Fourth answered without much thought. 

"Has the high priest, Dao always been in the woodland realm? He doesn't look like an elf." Pond tried to investigate as subtly as he could about his long lost friend. He couldn't begin to understand why he was here. Had he been here all along?

"Can't say I know much about Dao's history. My brother had brought him back one day. The woodland realm is always open to those who seek refuge." Gemini had answered openly. 

"It is too privy to ask how long ago was that?" Gemini was deep in thought as he tried to recall.

"I can't seem to recall. Do you remember, Fot?"

"Maybe shy of a century or so." Fourth answered effortlessly. Joong and Pond looked towards each other at that revelation. The timeline matched. Pond noticed how Joong's hand was shaking as he drank his moonshine. 


Joong had rushed off to his quarters with Pond following closely behind him. 

"We need to get close to him and bring him back. That's Dunk, that's my Dunk!" Joong shouted. 

"Jai yen yen (calm down), we need to think how we can get close to him. we need to approach this delicately." Pond said even though he felt the urgency as much as Joong.  He had known Dunk much longer than Joong after all. He was missing him fierce but he really couldn't begin to understand the situation at hand. Dunk is a fae, why are the rumours saying that he is a sorcerer or a warlock?    

What happened to you, Dunk?

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Dunk's pic is just to show how he looks like as a fae but the pic doesn't really fit. like I said too difficult to find. Fae is kinda like a fairy, for those of you who are not familiar. But not exactly like those small tiny fairy that you think of 🤣🤣That's why I'm using the word fae instead of fairy. Faes are as tall as any normal human being and maybe even taller. They are known for their beauty and enchantment spells. They also know other kind of magical spells, not as powerful as a warlock (according to this series) . Like I say this series doesn't follow the normal rule.🤣🤣 

What is Pond? that will come later in later EP. You are free to guess for now🤭🤭

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