EP 13 I will never let you leave alone

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Phuwin gave Pond a hug before letting him out the door. Force along with another 4 of his men gathered at the front as they waited for Pond. It was only then that Phuwin realized how little men had followed Force over to the Woodland Realm.

"Had you travelled with this little men when you came over or were you attacked by the undead? They have increased in number as of recent. It is dangerous for the five of you to travel back just like this. I can send a small troop along with you for the safety of your travel." Phuwin offered.

"We didn't meet any undead on our way. I believe it should be fine." Force replied. Pond had followed his lead since he was his senior. He would have been the general if it wasn't for his laid back attitude. He didn't like the responsibility that came with the title. 

Phuwin's expression was unreadable when he left. Only Dunk knew of their relationship. Pond didn't want Phuwin's name to be tarnished because of him so he kept quiet even though Phuwin had never asked for it. He looked back, unwilling to let go of the sight of Phuwin but he knew it was a losing cause. He sighed before turning ahead as he left with Phi Force.  


Pond felt a little strange when Force kept his distance from him. Pond and Dunk had bonded with him, the moment they met him at the Kingdom of Aydin. It was only when he was busy with his pups that he stayed away. He didn't get to contemplate further when they met with a group of wraiths. Pond unsheathed his silver sword as he readied for the fight along with Phi Force and the rest. The wraiths didn't behave as those that Pond encountered before. There was something strange about them. He had managed to kill most of those that he encountered but he had miscalculated his step as one of them rushed towards him. He thought that that was the end of him but an arrow pierced through the wraiths chest and it combusted into flame. It screeched in pain before it dissipated.  Pond looked back only to find Phuwin with the bow in his hand. He had three arrows in his hand as he aimed at three wraiths at a go. He didn't lose sight of the fight as he paced closer to Pond.

"What are you doing here?!" Pond shouted as his sword clashed against another wraith.

"I followed you to protect you, what else?!" He shouted to get his message across as the battle continued. When one of the wraiths was reaching for Phuwin's neck, it was pushed back by an unknown force. That's when both Pond and Phuwin noticed that his amulet glowed. That moment of distraction gave the wraiths a chance to advance against them. That's when an energy blast headed towards the wraiths, burning them on site. 

"Dunk/Dao, what are you doing here?!" Both Pond and Phuwin shouted.

"I followed Phu." He laughed sheepishly. Pond couldn't believe that they have been trailing one after another. He would have laughed at the hilarity of the situation if they weren't in a battle. Dunk was a formidable fighter with his high magic. The fight was over within minutes. Just as they were about to celebrate, Pond saw an iron blade thrusted through Dunk's abdomen from the back. He looked up only to see Force's face. 

"Dunk! What are you doing Phi?!" Pond shouted before he felt a sword at his throat. Phuwin was met with the same fate as they were held captive. Pond saw the evil grin on Force's face as Dunk slumped against him. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: 😅😅 khoor tord na kha(sorry) don't kill me.... I wrote a lil of the next EP and realized it's taking longer than I expected since the truth will be out in the next EP. The heat wave in my country is taking a lot out of me. I wonder if I'm even thinking straight. So do excuse me if my writing is a lil off for this 2 EPs. Everything will be revealed tomorrow na. Rao seng ya (I promise) . Just hold on na... 

How are you finding the series so far? I really do think it could end by Wednesday at this rate. 

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