EP 5 Forget about him

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Pond had waited patiently in Phuwin's chamber. It felt intimidating to him. Joong and him might be friends but there was something about Phuwin that spelled danger. Perhaps it's the way he held himself. He could never truly read him but he was the key to approaching Dunk. He's gatekeeping him for some reason. Was he the reason for Dunk's memory loss? Was he why Dunk couldn't come home? Pond couldn't begin to understand what happened to his best friend. He felt that all his answers lied with the King of the Woodland Realm. Phuwin had entered right on the dot. Pond had quickly bowed.

"I'm sorry, your highness. I didn't mean to offend anyone. I was finding my way to my room when I saw the high priest at the pantry-" Phuwin had stopped him from explaining further. He waved it off with a smile as if nothing serious had happened. It contradicted his reaction when he was with Dunk. Pond was confused. Phuwin chuckled at his expression. 

"It really is nothing. Come, let's eat before the food gets cold. I would like to know more about your stay here and how it has been." Phuwin said with a warm smile. Pond had slowly put down his guard as the meal progressed. He had complimented Phuwin's troop and how well trained they were. He complimented Fourth on how organized he is and how his leadership shone through how his troop viewed him. Phuwin had nodded. Despite the fear in him, he had mentioned how the troop admired Dunk and how he had guided them on the side and stood by them in challenging times. He too admired him from those words. He noticed how fast Phuwin changed the topic as he poured him a glass of moonshine.  

He asked Pond to share his view on how his troop could be better. He had asked him to share a little about the kingdom he came from and how they worked on their defenses. They both had insightful views to share as the conversation progressed. Pond didn't know how many glasses of moonshine he had but he was getting tipsy. 

"I think I should stop, your highness, before I embarrass myself." Pond stopped Phuwin from pouring another glass for him.  Phuwin stood up and whispered to his ears, "What's there to be embarrassed if there's only the two of us?" Pond couldn't help the blush that rose from his neck to his face. Phuwin couldn't help but chuckle. Phuwin tilted Pond's face so he was facing him.

"What are you thinking, khun Pond?" He didn't know how to answer Phuwin. Phuwin's gaze felt as if it pierced through his soul. It was as if he knew every thought he had about him.  Pond was surprised when Phuwin sat on his lap. 

"I saw the way you looked at me when we first met. You want me, don't you?" Phuwin whispered huskily to his ear. He didn't know what brought this on. Perhaps the king was drunk but he wouldn't mind if he could get on his good side. If it gave him access to Dunk, he was willing to do it. He didn't mention the attraction he felt for Phuwin, the attraction that he had buried deep within him after he found out that Dunk was in the Woodland Realm. He didn't think about how this will fulfill the deepest lust he has for Phuwin. He could no longer fool himself when Phuwin started grinding his hip against Pond. Pond had unconsciously let out a moan as Phuwin's shaft brushed against his. It was agonizing to him as his shaft grew hard underneath the confinement of his pants. He wondered how it would feel like to bury himself in Phuwin. It was as if Phuwin had read his thought when he spoke. 

"I wonder how it feels like to have you inside me. I have never slept with a Nephilim after all" His blood froze at his last sentence. He knew. Phuwin chuckled at his reaction as he stood up.

"You think you can hide from me? There's nothing natural about that gust of wind even if you had the window to your back. You are hiding your wings in plain side, aren't you? What I'm wondering is what are you doing with a mutt like Joong? He may have the royal blood of a fenrir but you are more than him." Pond was stunned by how much Phuwin knew. Phuwin smirked at his expression. He pulled Pond up as he walked him towards the direction he wanted him to. 

"I know you are here for Dao. You've seen him. You may report back to your king that Dao is fine. If you truly want what's best for Dao, you'll let him be... Even if it means forgetting you... " Phuwin said before pushing him out the door. 


Pond stared at the ceiling of his chamber, trying to understand his encounter with Phuwin, the king of the woodland realm. He replayed his words in his mind over and over again, trying to understand what was going on.

One thing for sure, he didn't like Joong for some reason. He had never heard someone use the word mutt to describe Joong. He was king after all. He couldn't begin to understand how it would be better for Dunk to forget him. He was all he had known. He had brave through it and tried to be strong for the sake of Joong because he knew Dunk would be upset if anything were to happen to Joong. That was the purpose that kept him going but he really was as lost and broken as Joong when they lost Dunk. Memories of how they last parted ran through his mind and he couldn't stop the tears from coming. He wiped off his tears angrily. He won't give up. He will meet up with Phuwin at the break of dawn to settle this once and for all.     

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

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A/N: Wha? what happened? how did it go from here to there? 🤣🤣 I don't know myself... it just came to me like that. Pond did describe Phuwin as eccentric so I guess it fits the description😅😅. Are you ghostshipping Pond and Dunk again? I don't think I am but you are free to read what you want🤣🤣 Pond and Dunk are having more like a co-dependent relationship. You will understand why in the next chapter.

So a Nephilim is basically the child of an angel and a demon. Pond has wings of an angel so it's white.   

what do you think of the PondPhuwin dynamic? 

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