EP 16 Our moment🔞🔞 (PP & JD)

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Phuwin couldn't believe that he agreed to this. He was hanging onto Pond with his shaft thrusted deep within him as he soared through the air. Pond promised that he'll go higher up and further out so no one will see them. He had also taken the precaution of using the spell that Dunk taught him to make himself invisible when he was scouting enemy land when he was still a general. Phuwin thinks that Dunk surely didn't meant for him to use it in this way. Pond didn't allow Phuwin to contemplate further as he let Phuwin free fall onto his shaft, diving deep within him. Phuwin couldn't help but moaned at the sensation. Pond had smirked at that response. Phuwin was literally at his mercy as they made love in the air. He had dreamt of trying this out for ages and was gleeful when Phuwin agreed. 

"Pond..." Phuwin mewed as Pond gave another hard thrust right on his sweet spot. Pond knew he had him with that hitch in his breath. He continued to ram into Phuwin pushing him to his height of pleasure. Phuwin could feel that familiar feeling coiling within him and before he knew it, he had come untouched with Pond's name hanging on his lips. He would never allowed himself to be this vulnerable. His position as King would never allow him to but he was curious and Pond made it very hard for him to reject him. He never thought that the act of surrendering would be this freeing. Only with Pond was this possible. It was then that he realized how much he loved him. He was the only exception that he's willing to make in his life. 

Pond had grunted as he spilled his cum within Phuwin. He gave him a quick kiss before he clasped the back of Phuwin's head as he laid Phuwin's head on his shoulder. Although he had the invisible spell in place, he had still ensure that no one was in sight as he flew back down to the balcony of Phuwin's chamber. He flicked off the spell once they were safely in Phuwin's chamber. 

Phuwin gasped when Pond landed, his shaft was thrusted deeper into him than he thought was possible. He couldn't believe that Pond's shaft harden on that effect. 

"Pond..." He was about to grumble but ended up moaning. Pond was already well into their second round as he thrusted into him in rhythm while walking them to Phuwin's bed.  Each step pushed him deeper into Phuwin. He moaned and mewed from the sensation, coming once again untouched as Pond spilled deep within him. 

" I love you, Phu. I want to be with you forever." Pond whispered as he came down from his high. Phuwin hummed in agreement as he was too exhausted to answer. Pond chuckled as he kissed his temple. He cleaned them up before spooning Phuwin to sleep.


Similar moans could be in Dunk's room as Joong bobbed up and down Dunk's length. Joong could no longer hold back, it's been more than a century or so. He had yearned for Dunk long enough.

 Dunk mewed as Joong hummed. The sensation was too much after so long. He locked gaze with Joong. His eyes were half hooded as he worked up and down his length. Even in his lust, Joong's gaze was soft and loving towards Dunk. That was one of key difference between his Joong and the shifter. The main reason why he would never mistaken the shifter for his lover. Dunk mewed as he came in Joong's throat. His back arched off the bed as his hand grabbed the bedsheet to ground himself. 

Dunk was pliant as he came down from his high. Joong kissed his way down his right thigh. He nipped and sucked his inner thigh, causing Dunk to moan. Joong had smiled against his skin. He moved on to open his thigh wide as he was no where done with him yet. He spread his cheeks open, revealing his puckered hole. Dunk gasped as he circled the rim of his hole with his tongue. 

"Phi Den...." Dunk moaned as Joong pierced his hole with his tongue. He alternate with sucking and licked as he thrusted his tongue in and out. Dunk was writhing under his ministration, pulling the sheets as he worked through the sensation and he had came untouched before he knew it. He was panting as he came down from his high the second time. Joong swept his hair to the side as he kissed him on the lips. He tasted himself in the process. 

Joong shied away when Dunk reached out for his shaft. 

"Phi Den..." Dunk whined. 

"It's okay, Dunk. I'll take care of it myself." He kissed him once more to convince him. 

"No... I want you in me. I want to wear your mark." Joong's eyes widen at what Dunk said. He couldn't believe that he wanted to wear his bite mark.

"Are you sure?" Joong whispered as he laid his forehead against Dunk's. He nodded his head and chased for a kiss. Joong's hand slide down the span of his chest as he coated his fingers in Dunk's cum that was pooling at his abdomen. He reached down and slowly stretched Dunk out. He started with one finger and slowly worked his way up to three. He wondered if he should work his way to four since it had been a long time since they last made love. Dunk seemed to be taking it well as he gasped when Joong touched his sweet spot. Joong continued to play with it for a few moment longer as he watched Dunk writhe beneath him before retracting his fingers. Dunk gasped as he inch into him. He forgot how big a Fenrir shaft was. Joong kissed his shoulder and his collarbone in comfort as he gave Dunk time to adjust once he was fully sheathed in. When Dunk signaled that he was ready, he had worked from a slow rhythm so that Dunk will enjoy the process. He still remembered what Dunk likes in their love making. He will never forget each move, each breath, each moan he makes and what pleasures him the most. Dunk mewed at he thrust again his sweet spot, which prompted him to quicken his pace. His hand reached out for Dunk's shaft. He stroked him to the rhythm that he had going on within him. 

"Phi Den...claim me, knot me, bite me... wanna be yours..." Dunk moaned. Dunk seemed to know what button to push as well as that riled him on. He rammed into him, pushing deeper into him. His knot rubbing against his entrance. 

"Come for me, my sunflower." Dunk came on command as Joong bit on Dunk's shoulder while ramming his knot in, locking his cum in as he came along with him. Dunk's fingers dug onto his back until there were half crescent marks from his fingernails. Joong rolled over so that Dunk won't crushed by him. He pumped waves after waves of cum into him. He licked his bite mark, hoping that his saliva would help heal it faster. Dunk hummed in satisfaction. 

"I miss your knot." Joong huffed at what he said. He couldn't believe that Dunk would still wanted him after all that happened. 

"Love you." Joong whispered. 

"Love you too." Dunk whispered back as Joong kissed his shoulder. 

Joong slept with a smile on his face as he felt complete with Dunk wearing his mark.    

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Never tried smut for both pairing in 1 EP. Hope you all enjoyed it🤭🤭 I still don't reread my smut so it's for you to decide. 

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