EP 4 Where is Dunk?

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Pond had not met Dunk since that first encounter. He couldn't well be snooping around to find him. He didn't want Phuwin to have a bad impression of him. At this point, he truly didn't know what he thinks of him. Phuwin was a hard man to read. He sighed at that thought. Chang man herr (whatever). He focused on what he does best. He made friends with the people around him. He made sure he did his duty and interacted with the troops that ensured the safety of the realm. He patrolled with them to gain their trust. He had sparred with them, which was interesting since their fighting techniques were so vastly different. 

They had opened up through his efforts but they truly didn't know much about Dunk or Dao, the high priest. Though Dunk played a crucial role in curbing the issue of the undead, he had never interacted with the troops. It was always Fourth who relayed the message to them. He was their general after all. They had only seen him quietly observing them during training and at times during their fight. If the fight gets intense, he would intervene. They would always win when he's there. Pond saw their eyes lit up in admiration. He wondered if Dunk had casted an enchantment spell on them. Sure, he knew how to defend himself when needed but he is a fae. 

There wasn't any more information that he could gain from them. All he could do now was wait for an opportunity to approach Fourth. Fourth rarely has his meal with the troop since he usually dines with his mate but today was his lucky day. Pond realized what a happy-go-lucky kind of guy he was. He was very humble despite being the brother-in-law of the king. He was strangely approachable and didn't seem as aloof as most elves were when they meet someone new. He warmed up to him pretty fast. He tried his luck and asked him to show him around the woodland realm. He wanted to speak to him from a general to a general, to gain his perspective. Fourth nodded without suspecting anything. He complimented his training and the way he ran the troop. They were really good at what they do. He understood how they withstood the attacks from the undead. Fourth was shy at his compliment.

"I got a lot of help from Phi Dao. Won't know how I'll be able to do it without him." Fourth answered without much thought. Hook, line and sinker. Pond smiled.

"The troop mentioned that he usually comes and observe the training but I've not seen him so far. How is he? I haven't met him since that day." Pond decided to go with a subtle approach since the door was opened. He reminded himself to pace his questions before Fourth finds it suspicious. 

"Sorry, you had to witness that. Phi Dao is more than a little shy but he is doing better. Phi Tang didn't want to tire him out." Pond nodded and wondered how to approach next. 

"It's understandable but I truly hope to get a chance to meet him. He seemed like a crucial person to meet if I want to defend my land better against the undead." As much as Pond wanted to know why Dunk reacted the way he reacted, it was more important for him to meet him. Fourth had pondered for a long time. 

"I can try to ask Phi Dao but I can't guarantee you anything." Pond thanked Fourth profusely as he cheered within. All he needed was a chance to speak to Dunk.       


Pond had been waiting patiently for Fourth to get back to him on the possibility of meeting Dunk but it seemed that his luck had not run out. He had bumped into Dunk as he was wandering around the halls. He happened to come across the pantry that he had never entered before. Apparently, Dunk's love for strawberries was still the same as he found him snacking on one.

 Apparently, Dunk's love for strawberries was still the same as he found him snacking on one

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Pond was shocked by the fear in Dunk's eyes. He had reacted the same way as before even though there was only two of them. He had quickly put on his hood and ran passed Pond. 

"Dunk!" Pond shouted hoping that it would somehow stop him and it did. Dunk had stopped. Pond didn't dare to move as Dunk came closer to him.  

"My name is not Dunk. I'm Dao... but why does it sound familiar?" He looked at Pond in confusion as he slid off his hood. 

"It's me, Pond. Don't you remember?" he pleaded to Dunk, hoping there was still an ounce of possibility of him remembering him. They had known each other for millenniums. He couldn't believe his memory of him would just disappear just like that. 

"Pond....Pond...." Dunk kept repeating his name as he reached forward to touch his face. Pond's wings were about to envelope him before they heard Phuwin's shout "Dao!". Pond had quickly retracted his wings as Phuwin rushed forward.

"He looks familiar..." Dunk said uncertainly. 

"You saw him a few weeks back. Of course, he looks familiar. Come, let's get back to your room"  Pond was about to stop them but Phuwin had spoken before he could.

"Pond, right? I'll see you later for a night meal? Dao needs his rest."  Phuwin led Dunk away by the shoulder. Pond stared at their retreating form in frustration. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: I only just realized that I didn't hv title for my previous EPs🤣🤣 I'm was so blur yesterday. I mange to include 1 more photo of Dunk but this is it. No more photos from now onwards. 😅😅 2 EPs today. Hope you enjoy. 

I hope you don't get confused with the Dunk/ Dao name interchange. it's going to happen throughout the series. 😅😅how are you finding it so far? 

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