Author's note

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Wadi puuean puuean (Hi friends),

Yes, I'm finally getting into sorta PP series. Sorry, this is the best I can do. I hope it's as exciting as I think it is in my head and it does PP fans justice and keeps the JD fans happy. I'm putting this note 1st so that it's easier for people to find but I'll be working on it at a later time. probably after 2-3 days but definitely will be up by the weekend. I don't know if this title reflects the series but this is what I can come out for now🤣🤣. It's been a crazy day😵‍💫😵‍💫

Because this series is a last minute inclusion there are some difference compared to how I usually roll my series. 

1) there won't be that much picture inclusion. I will at least try include one picture of JDPP just so you get the general feel, like their features and style. But I won't be able to do more than it. Mainly because this is a fantasy AU there's just no way to have that kind of picture I have in my mind. 🤣🤣 So I'll focus more on writing this round. 

2) this is a slow burn series. It may feel like an extreme slow burn for many of you and yes, there's angst as usual😅😅

3) JD may take a back seat but still places an important role since Dunk is the one that is leading PP together as you've read the summary. 

I think I covered everything? any question please comment below😄   

Disclaimer as usual: All pictures are sourced from the net, none of them belongs to me. I'm not a Thai speaker, I've included some Thai in the series for authenticity purpose, do not quote me on it. It may not necessary be right. Please consult a native speaker if you want to learn the language. There's isn't so much in this series because it's western fantasy AU, maybe one or two liners. 

My English is not always on point, I apologize if some description may come off weird. English is not my first language. I'm trying my best. I find it difficult to describe some scenes I have in my head. This is an unbeta-d story, sorry for any English or grammar mistakes in advanced. I hope you are as excited as I am about this story. 🤩🤩

I've actually adapted this series from a hidden series of mine that I don't plan to publish because I think the idea is too wild. There's just nothing sane or tame about that series.. but I've been told that no reader on wattpad is sane🤣🤣 I'm still not sure because that series has no ending to it as of yet. I'll let on a little more at the end of this series after you've gotten a better idea of what it is about. 

see you all in a few days time when this series starts. Jer gan na kha (see you)

For those of you who are restless, you make check out my other series while you wait. Just pop into my profile page or re-read some of your favourites.

Anyone here who has read other series of mine? Which series is your favourite? 

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