EP 6

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Pond pounded on Phuwin's door the next morning. 

"What happened to Dunk? Why did he lose his memory? Tell me!" Pond shouted the moment Phuwin let him in.  Phuwin glared at him as he tighten the belt of his night robe. 

"Didn't you hear a word I said last night? This isn't a good trait for a general, khun Pond. Let Dao forget about you. It's for the best."  Pond slammed Phuwin against the wall. 

"How would you feel if someone told you that it's best for Gemini to forget about you?!" Phuwin's eyes widen at what he said.

"You are hurting me" It was then that Pond realized he had pinned both of Phuwin's arms to the wall. He let go with a quick word of apology. He saw Phuwin rubbing both of his wrist before heading towards the table where he dines in his room.

"I'm sorry, your highness. I didn't mean to-" There was a knock on the door before Pond could finish his sentence. The house elf had brought in Phuwin's morning meal. They were shocked to see Pond at the table but had quickly brought in another set of food for him.

"Eat. We'll talk after." Phuwin instructed. Pond obeyed, afraid that he had angered the King of the Woodland Realm. They ate in silence. Pond had quickly scoop in the last few bites when he noticed that Phuwin was done.    

"Tell me about your relationship with Dao. How did you meet? Because I'm very certain that my Dao isn't your brother. He isn't a Nephilim." Pond was glad that he was given a chance to speak and that Phuwin was willing to understand. He downed a glass of water before he began his story.  

It goes without saying that the life of a Nephilim wasn't easy. He was neither accepted by the angels nor the demons. His mother had abandoned him on the outskirt of the enchanted forest when she could no longer take the pressure. He was only a child then so he really didn't know what to do. All he could do was bawl his eyes out as he lost the world he had known that day. He felt a tiny hand reach out to him. That was how he met Dunk, a scrawny looking fae who lived in the outskirt of the enchanted forest. He had taken him in. Dunk was an outcast among his tribe and they didn't feel shy in letting him know that he was unwelcome, even as a young child without parents. There was something different about Dunk compared to other faes but he didn't know what it was. They had relied on each other since that first encounter. 

"He is like a brother to me. Now that you know, can you please tell me what happened to him?" Pond pleaded to Phuwin. 

"Pond, trust me. It is best that I didn't. I'll allow you to stay. You can try and see if he'll remember you but under no circumstances will you EVER remind him of Joong Archen Aydin. Do you understand?!" Pond was shocked by his dramatic change in emotion. He sounded soft when he called his name but the mere mention of Joong had him fuming. Pond could only nod. He'll take what he can get. It was only a matter of time. Time was something he can afford.   

Pond whistled for his falcon to bring a note to Joong once he got back to his room. He prayed that he will be able to bring Dunk back soon


Joong slammed his table once he got Pond's note. He broke the vase and flung everything in sight, sending his room in a disarray. What right did that Phuwin Tangsakyuen have in keeping Dunk?! Dunk is his! His!!

Force was shocked by the state of his room when he entered.

"Are you in one of your mood again?" he asked. 

"Pond found Dunk but the Elven king isn't letting him go. He has apparently lost his memories as well." Force's eyes widen at what he said. 


"I'm fine. As long as Pond brings him back, I'm fine." Force could see the cold anger brewing within him. He knew that Joong would grab him himself if he could but he was king and they have the alliance that they need to consider. The number of undead had increased by two fold since Pond left. Force really hoped that Pond is able to do what he was tasked to do. He didn't know what Joong would do in his desperation.  

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Does this explain Pond and Dunk's co-dependency? They really only had each other when they were young. How are you liking the PondPhuwin dynamic? 

What do you think of Joong? 

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