EP 14 The truth

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Pond and Phuwin had their hands tied to their back before they were pushed to the ground when they reached what Phuwin would call a lair. There was something familiar about it but he couldn't put a finger as to why. Pond was worried about Dunk. He may have lost his identity as a fae due to his wings but he still has fae blood running within him. Iron was his kryptonite. Force popped something in Dunk's mouth. 

"Don't worry, Pond. He'll be fine. My goal isn't to kill him after all." Force smiled. 

"Phi, why are you doing this?! This isn't right! I don't think Joong would agree with what you did!" Pond shouted as he tried to get out of his constrains. He don't think those were normal restrains as he couldn't access his powers. 

"Does it matter?" Force chuckled. They stopped their conversation as Dunk slowly regained consciousness. Dunk had never really taken notice of Force when he went to rescue Pond and Phuwin. He don't remember him but he couldn't stop his heart from thumping as his body instinctive slid back to get away from him. 

"Who are you? Why did you capture us?" Dunk tried to be as brave as he could despite his body telling him to run. 

"You don't remember me but your body does, doesn't it, pet?" Dunk's blood ran cold when he heard that nickname. He feared it for some reason. 

"Perhaps this face would help you remember." Force grinned as his face slowly morphed into Joong's face. Both Pond and Phuwin were shocked.

"Shifter." Phuwin muttered under his breath. 

He was wrong... It wasn't Joong Archen Aydin but a shifter who captured them. Phuwin paled at the sick game that he played at. He had specifically chosen the face of Dunk's lover when he tortured him relentless through the time he was captured. He didn't know how long he had Dunk before he came. Phuwin could see the angry tears rimming in Pond's eyes. The both of them witnessed the moment when the memories rushed back to Dunk as his face turned a sickening white. 

"Master..." he whispered. 

"aah... you remember now. Good, it took me so long to train you. Knowing you real name does nothing since you are only a half blood fae. You've been a very naughty pet, haven't you? Trying to escape me the moment he arrived." he narrowed his eyes at Phuwin. Phuwin remembered it all clearly. How the shifter had forced Dunk to call him master. He remember how scrawny and dirty Dunk was when he first saw him then. It was as if he wasn't properly fed. Dunk was in awe when he first saw him. 

"So bright like the star... I'll help you, I'll make sure your light don't go out." Dunk said as he stroke Phuwin's hair before laying a kiss on his forehead. That was the very reason why he called Dunk- Dao. Phuwin didn't know what to make of what he said then until he got to know Dunk and the length he went through to get him out. Those unwanted memories came surfacing to the front as he heard the phantom screams of Dunk from the past. He was afraid that what happened in the past will soon become the present. 

"All the trouble you took to get him out. You even lost your wings for him. He thought he could repay you by keeping you safe and away from me? You should know better, pet. You can never escape me. Should we begin your training again, hmm?" Fake Joong asked Dunk. He laughed as he saw Dunk shook his head. 

"Master, no. There's people here." Dunk was hoping to spare Pond, his childhood friend from witnessing the horror. 

"Who are you afraid of watching? Him or him?" Fake Joong looked at the Phuwin's expression before falling to Pond.

"Let him go this instant, you bastard!" Pond had wanted to lunged towards Fake Joong but there was something about his restrains that is locking him to the ground. Fake Joong had laughed at him. 

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