EP 12 I wished I could stay🔞

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Pond was surprised to see Phi Force heading towards them with Gemini and Fourth who had been patrolling the border of the Woodland Realm. He noticed that his usual jovial expression was no where in sight. It could only mean one thing. He had still reached out for a hug and a pat on the back even with the grim expression he wore. Phuwin knew that it wasn't good news. 

"I'm sorry for the intrusion, your highness. I'm here to bring Pond home. The kingdom can't be without it's general. I'm hoping you'll grant me a visit with your high priest as well." Pond stared at Phuwin, willing him to say no. Force was known for his skills of extracting people in stealth. 

"I'm afraid that Dao isn't feeling too well and is unable to meet anyone within the week. We had a surprise attack by the wraiths which took a lot out of him. But you may rest here for the day and travel back with Pond tomorrow." Pond tightened his fist at what Phuwin said. But he knew there really was no two ways about it. He has to leave the Woodland Realm. He has to leave Phuwin, if they want what's best for Dunk. 


Pond had accompanied Force to the guest quarters. 

"You know I'm not just here to grab you. You know who I'm really supposed to bring home." Force started as he broken the silence between them since they left Phuwin and the rest of the elves. 

"He's not ready, Phi. I'll go back with you. I'll take the brunt for it." Force sighed. Pond stopped as he was about to step out the door.

"Don't go out of the room, Phi. The elves don't welcome people snooping around. We don't want to ruin the alliance." Force nodded to that. Pond didn't trust Force to not go looking for Dunk on his own. He is the best in the troop after all.  

Pond marched towards Phuwin's chamber. He knocked on his door in quick raps. The moment he opened the door, Pond had slammed him against the door and kissed him hungrily. Phuwin responded in equal fervor. It was their last night together and none of them were willing to let go of the other. They had undress each other as Pond led Phuwin to bed. Never once did he break their kiss in the process. 

Phuwin had let Pond lead that night. He wasn't disappointed at all. His raw passion and desperation had fueled his animalistic side. It was the first time he saw Pond's wings in its full glory as it spread across his chamber.  The dim light from the candles bounce off his wings casting an ethereal glow on him. He was ever so breathtaking. In that moment, all Phuwin saw was the angel that broke him out of his solitude. His breath hitched as Pond thrusted into him harder and deeper than he ever did. All that could be heard was the slapping of skin on skin. Pond had stroke his shaft, encouraging him to reach the peak of his pleasure as he spilled his cum over the both of them. Pond continued to thrust into his as he came within Phuwin mere seconds later. Their breath was harsh as they came down from their high. Pond continued to kiss him, chasing his lips as he went. He didn't want the night to end.

 He didn't want to be parted from Phuwin if he could...  


Phuwin felt a pair of eyes on him the moment he came to the next morning.

"Did you sleep at all?" Phuwin mumbled with his eyes close. His voice still groggy with sleep. Pond was unwilling to admit that he didn't really sleep. He did perhaps for the first few hours but he had wanted to memorize Phuwin's features before he leave. He wanted to memorize the way he breathed, the way his feature smoothen out from the responsibilities he held in the day, the way he would unconsciously reach out to him and nuzzle into his embrace. He truly wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. All those words were stuck in his throat. All that came out was " A little" Phuwin saw the worried lines on Pond's forehead.

"Is there something that you are worried about?" Pond wanted to say that he was worried that he wouldn't be able to come back but he didn't want to Phuwin to worry along with him about something he couldn't change.

"I told Phi Force to stay in his room and not to roam around. But I'm still worried he will find Dunk. I want to see Dunk again before I leave but I'm afraid that it will alert Phi Force to where Dunk is if I do." Phuwin had also given Dunk strict instruction to not leave his room after the arrival of Force.

"You don't have to worry about that." He saw Phuwin smirked. Once they got ready for the day, Phuwin led him through a hidden walkway from his chamber. Pond wondered why he had never noticed this before. He was even more surprised that it led directly to Dunk's room. A happy squeak escaped Dunk when he saw the both of them. He ran over to hug them but his happiness was soft lived when he learnt that Pond will be leaving today. He had rushed off halfway through their conversation as he hunted for something.

"A protective amulet. I made one for you and Phu." He claimed as he happily put it on Pond and Phuwin. There was a glow to it before it faded away. Pond reached out to Dunk for a hug as he enveloped him in his embrace and gave a kiss on the crown of his head. Dunk had given him a tight squeeze before letting him go.

"Stay safe." they whispered at the same time. Both of them chuckled at how in sync their response were. Pond left with Phuwin after. Dunk had a sad smile on his face as he looked at their retreating form.


Pond couldn't help the blush from rising when they walked through the secret walkway back to Phuwin's room. Phuwin raised his eyebrow, silently asking him what he was thinking about.

" You mean to tell me that Dunk could have walked in on us at anytime?" Phuwin chuckled at his response.

"Dao never uses this walkway, no matter how many times I told him he could. You really don't have to worry at all." Pond just shook his head at his response. He grabbed Phuwin's arm before they went out of Phuwin's chamber. He caressed his cheek before laying a soft kiss on his lips, savouring his taste before he departs for his trip. He wanted to savour every memory he has of Phuwin.  

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Just a tiny lil smut.. a tiny one, that's why there's only 1 🔞 😅😅 I really have no intention of writing a smut but then Pond is leaving and he doesn't know if he is coming back... so maybe a tiny one will do🤣🤣 

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