EP 9 You think too much🔞🔞

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Dunk had fussed over Pond the next day, which was a typical Dunk behaviour since the day he met him. 

"Are you really okay?" Dunk asked for the 9th time. 

"I'm really fine, Dunk." Pond laughed at his best friend's behaviour. 

"You always say you're fine when you aren't. Prove it." A flash of the old Dunk came across in just that moment.

"How do you want me to prove it?" Pond was used to this game but he really wondered what the new Dunk would think of. 

"I want to fly. Bring me flying." Dunk beamed at him. Pond looked at him sadly but agreed nonetheless. 


" This is so fun!" Dunk shouted and cheered while Pond carried him through the air. They were at it for a little more than 20 minutes before Dunk was satisfied.

"Thank you, Pond. I really enjoyed that. Like I've been missing it somehow. Maybe that's why you said I have wings." Pond nodded quietly. 

"What kind of wings did you imagine I would have?" Dunk asked innocently. 

"Like the wings of a fae, delicate, iridescent, shimmering when it flutters. There were times when I would think its teal but then it's golden, pink, purple or blue in another angle. It never stays the same. It's fascinating." Pond said as he pulled back the memory of Dunk's wings. Phuwin had walked in as he described Dunk's wings. He had a sad knowing look as his eyes came in contact with Pond. 

"It's beautiful, I wish I could see it. Phu! Phu, you should ask Pond to bring you flying! It's fun." Dunk pulled Phuwin over. 

"I don't think so, Dao. There's nothing natural about having an elf in the air." Pond had chuckled at what Phuwin said. He couldn't help the mischievous side him as he grabbed Phuwin by the waist and head upwards. He chuckled at the unmanly yelped that came out of Phuwin. Phuwin had hung on to Pond for dear life with his arms around his neck and his face hidden on Pond's shoulder. 

"You don't need to be that afraid. Relax, I promise I'll never let you go." Pond was looking at Phuwin when he spoke. He didn't expect Phuwin to raise his head and turn towards him at the same time. Their lips brushed against each other. Pond didn't dare to move, though his wings were flapping. He waited to see what Phuwin would do. He surely didn't expect him to deepen the kiss. That gave Pond all the permission he needed as he devoured his mouth, exploring each and every inch of it. Phuwin laid his forehead against his as he ended the kiss to breathe. They can no longer deny the attraction that they felt towards each other.  

They quickly broke apart when they landed. Dunk had rushed forward to hug Phuwin. 

"Did you like it?" he asked excitedly.

"I guess it's nice. I may more than like it." he said while staring Pond in the eye. Pond blushed in reaction while Phuwin smirked. Phuwin's confidence returned once there was solid ground underneath him. 


Pond wrote a quick report to Joong to take his mind off Phuwin. He didn't dare to mention Dunk's missing wings, hoping to save Joong from the pain he felt. He felt conflicted now. As much as he wished Dunk would remember them, he also dreaded the day that he remembers. He didn't want to drag up the past that brought Dunk pain. As his thoughts cycled between the two, a house elf knocked on his door. She had politely informed him that King Phuwin requested that he have the evening meal with him. He nodded with thanks. He couldn't help the light blush that appeared on his face as his mind circled back to the kiss they had. 


There was an awkward silence during dinner. Pond didn't know what to say and Phuwin was being his silent self for some reason. Pond steered his thoughts towards Dunk once again. It was his safe zone right now. He wondered if he should really jog Dunk's memory but if he didn't, how will he explain it to Joong without letting him know how bad he thinks it is. Though Phuwin had not let him on the truth of what happened. He gathered that it was really bad for Dunk to lose his wings. Should he really bring Dunk back to the Kingdom of Aydin? He seemed happy here. But what about Joong then?

"Penny for your thoughts? You look frustrated." Phuwin said as he broke his thought cycle. 

"I just don't know what's best for Dunk anymore. I want him to remember me but yet I'm afraid of it as well. What if he remembers more than that? What if he remembers what hurts him and it hurts him more?" Phuwin shook his head at Pond's answer. He really thinks too much. 

"Didn't I tell you not to play the "what if" game? Let me help you take your mind off things." Pond looked at him confusedly as lead him away from his seat and pushed him onto his bed. 

"Let's finish what we started this morning or should I say that night?" He whispered huskily to Pond's ears before peppering kisses down his neck as his hands moved to undress him. 

"Your highness..." Pond moaned. Phuwin chuckled.

"still so formal. Do you agree to this? Do you want this?" Phuwin asked as he laid a kiss on his collarbone. 

"Yes, yes, more than anything." Pond moaned his answer as Phuwin grind his hips against his. Phuwin rushed in for a kiss as he multitasked to get both their clothes out of the way. Pond was eager to help him out. Phuwin had taken off his pants in one swift move. 

"You're a big boy, aren't you?" He didn't get to answer as Phuwin stroke his shaft. He moaned at the stimulation. Precum was leaked out of his shaft profusely as it lubricate his length and Phuwin's fingers.  

"You're so eager. Have you been dreaming about us since that night? How's it like to bury inside me?" Pond moaned as he saw Phuwin insert one finger into his hole. He looked on as he pump it in and out of his hole in a rhythm. 

"Do you imagine it like this as I'm riding you?" He said breathlessly as he added another finger as he said. Pond couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful sight as Phuwin moaned while prepping himself, inserting his third finger as he went.

"Do you imagine me telling you faster, harder. Ahh.. Just right there." Pond's breath hitched along with Phuwin as he found his sweet spot. Pond didn't know how long more he can take this torture. 

"Phu...." he moaned as Phuwin guided his length into him. He felt himself sinking into his tight wet heat. 

"That's right... I want to hear you moan my name." Phuwin panted as Pond was fully sheathed within him. It was an absolute bliss to Pond when Phuwin started moving up and down his shaft. He held on to his hips to guide him. He looked on as his length disappeared in and out of Phuwin. He thought the sight could not be better until he saw Phuwin pleasuring himself, chasing his pleasure from both ends. He had circled his hip until Pond was finally hitting his sweet spot.

"Right there, ahh... just right there." He heard Phuwin moaned. He could no longer hold back as he rammed into Phuwin, meeting him thrust by thrust. 

"I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." Phuwin couldn't finish his words as pleasure took over. He shoots his cum all over their chest. Pond came along with him. Phuwin collapsed onto Pond as they both panted, coming down from their high. Pond kissed the crown of Phuwin's head as he hugged him. When Phuwin could finally catch his breath, he stood up and went to find a wet cloth to clean themselves. Pond couldn't help but notice the cum sliding down his thigh. He beamed with pride internally. Once Phuwin had cleaned himself up, he took another cloth to help Pond but he insisted on cleaning himself. Pond couldn't help but reach out for another kiss before they fell asleep in each other's arm that night.  

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: that happened fast😶😶 I really dunno what to think of it... This is the 1st time I've written a power bottom smut. What do you think? I don't re-read my smut so I can't gage.😅😅

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