EP 10 why won't you tell me?

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This was the first time Pond woke up before Phuwin. The first time he saw Phuwin with his soft features, sleeping soundly beside him. The worry lines were no where in sight. He looked so much younger that he usually is. Pond held back though all he wanted to do was to caress Phuwin's face. The memory of last night came to the front of his mind. It wasn't something that he would ever forget but there was a doubt in his mind. 

"I can hear you thinking from here." Phuwin's voice startled him out of his thoughts. 

"It's nothing." Phuwin huffed at his reply. 

"Say it out, before you let that thought ferment in your head." Pond was hesitant at first but he decided to take the plunge. 

"Did you ever do this with Dunk?" he whispered. Phuwin couldn't help but chuckle.

"Did you expect that you'd to be my first?" he asked with his eyebrow raised.

"No, I would be a fool to think so." Pond huffed.  

"Perceptive I see. I could make you my last." Pond's heart thumped at what he said. 

"Don't give me hope, your highness." Pond was surprised by the softest smile he had seen Phuwin wore. He put on his night robe and was preparing to go through his morning routine.

"To answer your question, no, I've never done it with Dunk. I would never take advantage of him." Pond was left to his thought as Phuwin walked away.    


 Meanwhile, back at the Kingdom of Aydin...

Joong reread Pond's message for the fourth time. Pond was finally able to get close to Dunk but the memories weren't coming to him. He needed more time. Joong didn't say much apart from reminding Pond of his mission on bringing Dunk back. He needed Dunk to be home. He belongs to him. 

"Dunk..." Joong whispered. 


Back in the Woodland Realm...

Dunk sneezed for no reason and he wondered why. There was an odd feeling in his heart that he can't seem to explain. He didn't get to contemplate further when someone sounded the alarms. He rushed to the front. Pond was following closely behind him along with Phuwin. They looked on as the troop attacked the wraiths that got through their ward. They never had such a close encounter before. It was disconcerting for them to breach their ward. Pond was about to rush forward to help the troop but Phuwin stopped him. He had a smile on his face that confused Pond. He felt the energy blast flew past him heading directly towards one of the wraiths and it dissipate on impact. Pond's eyes widen when he realized that it was Dunk. The rest of the wraiths were met with the same fate. It was over within minutes. He looked on as he saw Dunk fortified his protection ward. There was an additional golden glow flicking akin to fire protecting the Woodland Realm. Pond didn't know how to make sense of what he saw. 

"Dao, go and assist the healers." Phuwin instruction. Dunk nodded before rushing over to the troop to see if there were any injured elf. Phuwin gestured towards Pond to follow him. Pond had closed the door behind him. 

"That wasn't fae magic." Pond stated. Phuwin knew he had questions. He was prepared for it the moment Pond witnessed it. 

"It's obvious. Dao had developed this ability the moment he lost his fae identity." Phuwin was hinting that Dunk had developed it the moment he lost his wings along with his memories. Pond couldn't begin to understand how and why.

"I think it made sense after what you said. Dao was an outcast among the faes. That could only mean one thing- Dao is a mix breed just like you." Pond eyes widen at Phuwin's speculation. Phuwin could see how Pond was rejecting the very idea that Dunk had met with the same fate as him. The innocent, cheerful, all forgiving person that Dunk is, was an outcast for the same reason as him. He was labelled with that insulting term that Phuwin used- mix breed.  

"Dao may have the looks of a fae but his build doesn't fit one. One of his parents would most likely have been a warlock. I'm letting you know but you are not allowed to report this to Joong Archen Aydin" Phuwin didn't let him stew in his anger as he redirected his focus to his bias towards Joong. 

"Why? Why are you that against Joong?" Pond just couldn't understand Phuwin's perception of Joong.

"He may not be who you think he is." What Phuwin was implying was adding another layer to Pond's confusion. 

"Tell me who you think he is." Pond was done with Phuwin's game. He wanted to know who he thinks Joong is.  

"I can't." Pond was met with Phuwin's avoidance once again. 

"Tell me!" Pond roared as he was beyond frustrated with all the secrecy. 

"He was there, he was there when we were held captive! Are you happy now?!" Pond was stunned by his answers. 

"It's impossible... impossible." Pond ran a hand through his hair as he tried to process what Phuwin said. 

"Why would agree to this alliance?" Phuwin wasn't making sense at all. 

"I didn't know his name." Phuwin said quietly. 

"But you saw him...No... you are doubting. You are starting to doubt what you know about him." Pond was beginning to understand how Phuwin's mind works. 

"It doesn't rule out the fact that he was there.. that he... forget it, that's all I'm going to say." Phuwin brushed it off and was still firm in his belief. 

"Why? Why are you so secretive about what happened?" Pond was hoping to appeal to Phuwin to disclose what happened all those years ago. 

Why can't he just tell me what happened?

"Because I don't want to remember! I don't want to remember what happened to Dao, I don't..." It was the first time Pond saw the anguish on Phuwin's face. Tears were rimming his eyes. Pond pulled Phuwin to his chest and enveloped him in his arms. Phuwin could no longer hold in his tears as he started to sob in Pond's embrace. 

It wasn't just Dunk who went through that ordeal but Phuwin had been there with him. Dunk may have forgotten all about it but Phuwin remembered everything. He wished he had the ability to forget it just like Dunk but he couldn't. 

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't... 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: yes, this series is quite angsty and heartbreaking... the picture gets clearer as it goes but not that vivid for your sake😅😅

Don't worry too much na, this series would actually come to an end within the coming week...🤔🤔 maybe Wednesday? It is meant to be a short series that's why it's slow burning at such a slow rate😅😅 

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