EP 8 in need of comfort

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Though Dunk didn't gain back any memory, Pond had gotten closer to Dunk since that encounter. It had somehow broken the barrier between them. It wasn't hard for Pond to converse with Dunk since he was essentially the same Dunk, just without memory. Dunk was a curious person to begin with. He had so many question that they essentially never run dry of topics to talk about. 


The both of them were talking as they sat at the bench looking towards Phuwin's private garden late in the evening after dinner. The moonflowers were glowing brightly this time of the year. Pond didn't know how Dunk gets all these privileges. He had not bridged the topic on what his relationship is with Phuwin. 

"Can I see your wings since there's no one here?" Dunk looked at him excitedly. Pond had chuckled at his excitement as he flicks off the enchantment spell that Dunk had taught him millenniums ago. His white feathered wings shone in its full glory. Dunk had looked at his wings in awe. 

"So pretty." he had reached out his hands but had stopped himself before he touched it. Pond looked at him encouragingly as he moved his wings closer to him. Dunk had been gentle with his touch as he caressed it. 

"Why don't you bring your wings out?" Pond asked casually. Dunk had chuckled to his question.

"I don't have wings, you silly." Pond was confused at his answer. He looked at Dunk as if he had lost his mind.

"I really don't. See for yourself." Pond had turned ghastly white when he knew that Dunk was telling the truth. 

"Pond? bpen alai reu bpao (is something wrong)?" Pond should be happy that he remembered their language but at this moment he couldn't celebrate at all. The implication of Dunk losing his wings spoke volumes as to what had happened in the past.

"bpao (no)...Just a little tired" he said shakily.

"You really don't look too good either. Let me accompany you to your room." Dunk said in concern.

"it's okay. I have something to discuss with King Phuwin." Pond staggered away from Dunk.    


Phuwin was surprised to hear a soft knock on his door. He was even more surprised to see Pond at the door. Last he knew, Dunk had asked if they could visit his private garden. He noticed his pale appearance as he ushered him in. He waited patiently for him to speak. He noticed the tears rimming in his eyes as he asked in a whisper, "how did he lose his wings?"

Phuwin rushed forward to hug him. He didn't expect him to find out this soon. He stroke the back of Pond's head, hoping to comfort him. 

"Don't, Pond... Don't go there" Phuwin whispered.

"It was bad, wasn't it? It was so bad to the point he lost his memories because he didn't want to remember, isn't it? If only I didn't listen to him... If only I hadn't left..." Pond started sobbing on his shoulder. Phuwin clasped the back of his neck.

"Don't do this, Pond. Don't play the "what if" game... Don't torture yourself." Phuwin said quietly. Pond couldn't stop the tears from coming. He couldn't stop the pain he felt in his heart. He started bawling as he hung onto Phuwin tightly. All Phuwin could do was support him in silence. 

He carried Pond to his bed when he knocked out due to the emotional exhaustion. He tucked him in with a sigh before preparing for bed himself. He placed a kiss to the crown of Pond's head.

"It'll be alright, Pond. It'll be alright." he whispered as he stroke his back.  He felt Pond hugged him to sleep.


When Pond woke up the next morning, he was disoriented. It was a different ceiling from the chamber he sleeps in in the Woodland Realm. The sheets were much better than his. It was when he sat up that he noticed Phuwin having breakfast not far from him. The memories of last night came rushing back, how he cried in his arms and a vague memory of hugging him to sleep. He blushed. Phuwin was king after all. 

"Come have breakfast." Phuwin called out to him before he could process his thoughts further. 

"I apologize for last night, your highness."  Pond hoped that he didn't embarrass himself too much last night. 

"It's understandable. I won't have reacted any differently from you." Phuwin said quietly before he resumed eating after that. Pond really couldn't begin to understand Phuwin. His words doesn't match his expressionless face. Pond began to think that maybe it is due to his status as the King of the Woodland Realm that he needed to remain unreadable. Pond ate in silence then after but there just was just one thought that kept nagging at him. 

"Will you ever tell me what happened to Dunk?" Pond couldn't help but ask. 

"Are you sure you want to dive into that after last night?" Phuwin raised his eyebrow. Pond sighed. He knew where Phuwin was coming from but he felt compelled to know. 

"Not this soon." Phuwin answered as if he knew what he was thinking. Pond nodded. He'll take what he can get.

"How did the both of you meet Joong Archen Aydin?" Pond didn't expect this question from Phuwin but he was very willing to answer, hoping that he may open up to Joong. 

"It was Dunk being Dunk. Joong was heavily injured at the edge of the Enchanted forest. He took him in and healed him. Joong was smitten by Dunk the moment he set eyes on him. It was to a point that I thought Dunk had put an enchantment spell on him but apparently not. There really wasn't any barriers between them from the start. They got along really well like they've known each others for years." Pond tried to be as concise as possible. 

"What's the nature of their relationship?"

"They are lovers. They were so sickening sweet that I couldn't stand it at times."  Phuwin had nodded his head in understanding but his words contradicted his action.

"My instruction still remains the same. Do not mention Joong Archen Aydin's name in front of Dao." Pond was confused. Phuwin was sympathetic when he mentioned that Dunk is like a brother to him. He had given him access to Dunk, helping him get closer to him. So, he couldn't begin to understand why he didn't grant Joong the same sympathy, even though he is Dunk's lover. 

What happened a century ago? 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: realized that I forgot the title again yesterday. Really getting blur nowadays.  And the mystery continues. 

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