EP 11 Joong can no longer wait

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Pond no longer dare to ask Phuwin about his shared past with Dunk after knowing how much it affected him. He wondered what he should report to Joong. He decided to forgo it for now. 

There was something about seeing Phuwin being vulnerable that led him closer to him. Sure, they've slept with each other but it wasn't until that conversation that all barriers were broken. Pond had spent more time at Phuwin's quarters than his own. He had spent more nights of passion with him than he would dare to admit. 

Dunk... Dunk was being Dunk. Oblivious of his past but happy. He could tell that there was something going on between Pond and Phuwin. He couldn't be happier. Pond and Phuwin had laughed when he started making pink heart shape clouds out of thin air when it was just the three of them. Pond couldn't remember being this happy. He was living the best of his life that he had forgotten all about reporting back to Joong. 

Joong was frustrated to say the least with the lack of news. 

"Call Pond back. Tell him we need him back immediately!" Force frowned at Joong's sudden outburst but he got ready to send a message to Pond.

"Wait, add another line. Remind him why he is there and what is his mission!" He emphasized his point by slamming the table. Force sighed. He hoped that Pond was smart enough to keep the alliance and somehow find a way to smuggle Dunk back as what Joong wished.


Pond frowned at the message he got from Joong. 

He was getting desperate.

A part from him understands why but yet another part of him wondered what's best for Dunk. He doesn't deny that Phuwin's skepticism is rubbing off him as well. He was starting to doubt his long time friend. It might have been a century ago when they lost Dunk before the memory was still fresh in his mind. Joong was the one who wanted to go on that trip. Halfway through that trip, he had went off on his own, coming back injured but none of them saw the attacker. Dunk had stayed back, urging Pond to bring Joong to safety. None of them were willing to  go through with his plan but Dunk was determined. That was the last they ever saw of him. 

It couldn't be Joong, could it? It truly didn't made sense at all... 

Pond sighed in frustration. How was he going to go about this?

"You really think too much, don't you?" Phuwin made an offhand comment as he saw Pond deep in thoughts. Pond had chuckled as Phuwin had his arms wrapped around him. He saw the message in his hand. 

"Aah.... Your king has spoken. What are you going to do?" Pond noticed how Phuwin withdrew from him as he wondered where his allegiance stands now. 

"I don't think Dunk should go, if that's what you are wondering. But I don't know how I should reply to Joong." Phuwin nodded in understanding. He doesn't envy the position that he is in.

"Tell him that Dunk's memory loss in complicated. He is getting there with your help but he needs a safe environment to be in. The healers don't advise him to travel. Ask him to give you more time." Pond nodded to what he said. He couldn't help but think that Phuwin is a genius as he started to draft his reply to Joong.


Joong was fuming when he saw Pond's reply.   

"Phi Force! Get ready to go to the Woodland Realm. Tell Pond that you are not giving him a choice but to come back. Grab Dunk while you are there. You will bring Dunk back to me! I'm not letting anyone get in the way of me and Dunk. Not Phuwin Tangsakyuen, not even Pond Naravit!" He said as he slammed the table. Force sighed as he prepared for the journey. 


They are playing right into his hands...

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

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A/N: 😅😅 there will be an update tomorrow so just bear with this sorta cliffhanger. 

How are you finding it so far? 

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