EP 7

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Phuwin did live up to his promise. He brought him to meet Dunk the next day. He didn't know why Phuwin's whole demeanor softens whenever he sees Dunk. He spoke softer, moved slower, making sure Dunk knows his every move. He really wondered how they met. 

"Dao, this is Pond. Remember I've mentioned that I'm forming an alliance with another Kingdom?" Dunk nodded. Pond wondered why he doesn't mention the Kingdom of Aydin. Was it because it carried Joong's surname? Why did he agree to this alliance if he really wasn't all that fond of Joong was beyond him. Pond shook out of his thoughts when he heard Dunk spoke.

"I've met him that day... He looks so familiar... Have I met you before?" Pond felt a lump in his throat at Dunk's question. 

"You really don't remember me, Dunk? I'm Pond." Pond caressed him with the tip of his wing. It was something that he used to do when Dunk was upset in public. If he was given a chance, he would enveloped him with his wings. He was itching to do it but he was afraid that it will spook Dunk out. 

"Pond... It hurts, Phu. It hurts." Dunk clutched his head as he tried to remember. Phuwin had rushed to Dunk, stopping Pond with a glare. 

"I think this is as far as we'll get today." He told Pond calmly before leading Dunk away. 

Pond waited patiently for Phuwin to come back. Phuwin was pinching the bridge of his nose as he walked towards him. 

"He is resting now but he will be fine. I'm sorry, Pond but I think we need to approach this differently. I know it is heartbreaking for you that he has forgotten about you but we really need to go about this delicately. I don't want you to stress Dao out." Pond nodded. He doesn't want to hurt Dunk either. 

"I know it's unfair to you but I think you should get to know Dao again. Get to know him as Dao and not the... Dunk, right? that you know. We'll see how it goes from there." Pond felt his heart clenched at the way Phuwin phrased it. Phuwin knew it was challenging to Pond so he squeeze his shoulder in comfort. Pond nodded in agreement to Phuwin's plan. Phuwin patted his shoulder once more before leaving him to his thoughts.  


It was easier said than done. Everything that Dunk does, reminded him of his Dunk. He smiled the same, he laugh the same, he pouts the same. But just not at him. He was a stranger to him. He could see the pity in Phuwin's eyes. Somehow he was glad that he was the one here and not Joong. It would be even more devastating for him. 

Pond didn't know how he sliced himself against the sword. Force would be laughing at him for such a rookie mistake. Dunk had rushed to him in panic. 

"Why are you always this clumsy, Pond! I can't always heal you" Both Pond and Dunk's eyes widen at Dunk's speech. Dunk had healed Pond with his healing power but he held onto Pond's hand. Pond waited patiently for Dunk to respond. He knew Dunk had memories of him. What he just said was proof of it. It was exactly how Dunk scolded him for a millionth time whenever he gets hurt.    

"I'm sorry, Pond. I'm sorry that I hurt you because I can't remember you. My heart knows you but yet no matter how hard I try, I can't remember you." Pond couldn't bare the look of guilt on Dunk's face. He reached out and hugged him. His wings had automatically enveloped him. 

" It feels warm. Why do I have an image you hugging me with a set of big white wings?" Dunk asked innocently as he burrowed further into his chest. 

"Because that's exactly what I'm doing." Pond chuckled.

"I want to see it one day." Dunk whispered sleepily. 

"Norn herr (sleep)" Pond instructed as he carried Dunk effortlessly to his room. Pond was surprised to see Phuwin magically appeared in Dunk's room with a smile on his face. 

"Happy now?" He whispered in order not to wake Dunk up. Pond nodded with a grateful smile on his face. 

"Thank you." Phuwin was shocked when he hugged him in thanks. He had patted Pond awkwardly on his back before giving him a tight squeeze. Pond felt the heavy weight lift off his chest. This was the biggest progress that he had ever made with Dunk.  

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: You kinda get a glimpse of what is actually happening... just a lil. 😅😅 I did say this is slow burn... so it really is burning slowly..😅😅

Are you all liking it so far? PP centric is kinda new to me so I'm not that sure I'm capturing it right. So, do let me know.

oh yea, I will be coming out with a special 2 part EP for the Fledgling Vampire Under My Care as a thank you for 100 followers. Most of all I wanna thank all of you who had been with me since I've started. All the encouragement and support that you all have been giving me had really helped me through and continue writing. khoorp khun na kha (thank u) Of course, I'll be adding Dunk's killer look from EST cola. It will be out either on Saturday or Sunday. Thank you so much for your support! 🥰🥰

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