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district 13

SLEEP OR relaxation isn't something that finds the girl as she sits in the hovercraft

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SLEEP OR relaxation isn't something that finds the girl as she sits in the hovercraft. They left after she and Boggs entered. The other victors in a secluded place, like she herself. For most of the way to what they tell her to be district 13 she is left alone with all her thoughts. How she hopes she didn't walk straight into a trap and Snow has found an even more fucked up way to torture her for information. She wouldn't put it past the snake-like man to go to these lengths, so she tells him everything she knows. Which is barely anything, but that doesn't matter. She went in to deep to say even one word that is helpful to that man.

"We are here," the same man as the one that got her from her residence of the past month and a half as she learned says, "I notified Rohan, and you will see him before we check on you medically." Thana only nods as the man offers his arm for the girl.

Thana pushes her body up leaning heavily on Boggs as they walk out of the hovercraft. In the big space she sees a lot of large packets and not even a metre from the hovercraft stands her mentor. Her second father, her rock and comfort during her first times in the Capitol.

"Rohan," Thana's voice is hoarse as she lets go of Boggs and runs to the man in a rush of adrenaline. "Rohan are you really here?" the girl asks as she falls into her mentor's arms.

"I am, it is me Thana." Rohan says with tears of happiness in his eyes. Thank you for bringing her back. He mouths to Boggs who simply brushes it away. "You are safe from Snow here." At those words, Thana finally allows herself to relax, the adrenaline leaving her body. Any form of strength leaves Thana's body as she sighs. Her eyes finally closing as sleep takes her right there in Rohan's arms.


Once Thana opens her eyes again, she recognizes herself to be in a medical bay. In the chair next to her bed sleeps Rohan in a rather awkward position. It takes her a moment before she remembers she has been taken away from the Capitol. That she is out of Snow's reach.

Still her heart beats fast as her breath pattern quickens once a woman in white appears. Thana tries to push herself even further into the way to soft bed as the doctor or nurse comes closer to her. With every step they take, Thana's state becomes even more panicked. Her feet get out of the blanket as she pushes herself out of the bed. Not hearing the woman tell her to not do so, that she is safe. Thana barely sees the mouth move as she falls onto the ground. Feeling as if Marly Anderson is sitting on her chest. She puts her hands before her eyes as she closes them. Wanting the nightmare to stop. Thana doesn't even feel the hands of Rohan on her shoulder as he is awoken by the noise. She doesn't feel the rocking as Rohan wraps his arms around the girl. Thana doesn't see how Rohan's heart breaks, how the woman leaves. Flashes of the fire in her mind, the agony on her arms. Hot thick tears fall down her cheeks as she feels the tremors in her hands. The tremors that started a week ago, and comeback every day since.

"It is okay," are the first mumbles she hears in her ears as her panic starts to subdue. "You are safe." The next thing is the rocking she feels, "it is okay," she recognizes the voice of Rohan, "you are safe." Thana recognizes the touch of Rohan. "It is okay," her tears become more, "you are safe." She shakes her head, "It is okay." Rohan keeps repeating. "You are safe and loved." His touch tightening as he feels Thana starting to come back into reality. "It is okay." He kisses her head, "you are safe and loved." The muscles in the girl slowly loosen and her breathing calms down with every breath she takes. Remembering what Rohan told her all those years ago. Breath with me, focus on my heartbeat. So, she does. And bit by bit everything becomes less overwhelming. "It is okay, you are safe and loved." Thana's body and mind already tired again as Rohan keeps muttering his mantra. Her breathing steadies as she closes her eyes. Letting sleep come over her once again.

"I am sorry Rohan," Haymitch says to his friend as they both look at Thana Jardin. "She doesn't deserve this, and neither do you." He knows how the man from district 9 has seen the girl as his unofficial daughter since before she entered her hunger games.

"I am sorry for you too, my friend." Rohan hugs Haymitch, "I know this isn't easy for you either." Rohan knows how his friend also cares about Thana, and not to mention the hardship of Katniss of Peeta who are under his wing.

"We knew that the moment we heard Snow's announcement." Haymitch mutters, "I am going to try and find some liquor. You in?"

"No," Rohan shakes his head, "She needs me." He motions to the sleeping girl who is hooked up to medications and a heart monitor. "We don't know what she went through in there."


As Thana's eyes open, she looks into the hazel eyes she oh so dearly loves. She gently pushes herself to sit. Her arms engulfing the girl on her bed immediately.

"Hello to you too, Thana," Johanna chuckles quietly. "Glad to see you alive," she says, sadness in her eyes as she sees Thana's arm.

"Am I dreaming?" Thana chokes on her tears. "I can't believe I am hugging you. Are you okay?" Thana looks into Johanna's eyes, trying not to focus on her shaved head.

The older girl shakes her head slowly, taking Thana's hand and laying it where her heart is. It is a steady heartbeat. "And as you can see," Johanna smirks lightly, "I am not dead."

"I will thank the stars nightly for it." Thana says as tears stream down her face, hugging her friend close to herself. Could she call Johanna that even anymore? A friend when the girl means so much more to her.

"As will I for you," Johanna squeezes the girl's hand. "Hearing your screams was both fucking awful and great at the same time." She sniffs softly. "Knowing you were alive made me keep going, but oh, hearing your agony and unable to do anything made me die on the inside at the same time."



Nora speaking
Maybe a little bit of an abrupt ending, but an ending either way. So I have finally reached the final act!

Johanna and Thana have my heart and the turns the story might take already break my heart. All I want for them is to settledown at a nice house with amazing view, a forest in the backyard, together <3

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