Chapter 1

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Author pov:
Mumbai is also known as city of dreams. To fulfill his dreams, our bihari Babu Ishan kishan came to Mumbai to join as a manager in BCCI. He joined in bcci Months back and he started adopting the Bombay culture. People around started liking Ishan for his goofy and bubbly personality. They started treating him as their younger brother mainly captain of Indian team Rohit Sharma. He took ishan to his home for dinner and also to make a strong bond between them. Ishan is also very much comfortable with them.
        But the thing which makes Ishan's goofy nature into sad is Shubman's ignorance. His first love is not talking with him the way he expected. He don't know the reason, but that doesn't decrease the love he had for shubman.
Like another day, Ishan is day dreaming about our prince, Mayank who is his childhood best friend and only person who know the love ishan had for Shubman, is talking with him. But Ishan being Ishan is thinking about our prince. Mayank with done face.
MAYANK: Arey yaar Ishu, again day dreaming about our prince shu...ouch
Why did you smack me idiot??
ISHAN: Why are you speaking so loud?? What if someone listen and I am not day dreaming idiot. I was just thinking
MAYANK: Yeah yeah, thinking how to make him fall for you with your charms.
ISHAN: I don't want to force him to love me mayu. It's been one side mayu, and I can handle this one sided love even for years if it means I can see him and pray for him.
MAYANK: It's been 9years Ishu. You keep on praying for him to achieve his goal. Why are you doing this to you. The way he ignore you gives you your answer Ishu, he don't deserve u. Forget him Ishu.
ISHAN: If I want something in return, I would have move on in start itself mayu. I don't want anything from him. All I want is his happiness. If his happiness lies in someone who is not me, I am totally ok with. I love him mayu, I don't want to be selfish.
MAYANK: Ishu yaar, you deserve love buddy.
ISHAN: Don't worry mayu, challo we have to go and continue our work. We can't be late to work right. Challo ab.

Ishan and mayank resume their work. Then the hero of our journey enters the picture being handsome hunk with casuals. Today Shubman has a photoshoot and ishan is the one in charge of arranging everything. The moment Ishan saw his (opps sorry his in future) Shubman. His heart started beating so fast, getting butterflies in stomach. But he need to be professional. So Ishan's professional mode on.
ISHAN: Good morning Shubman
SHUBMAN: Good morning (cold voice)
ISHAN: Are you ready for the shoot shubman?? I don't know about you, but I am very much excited, I am going to meet Sara Ali khan my favourite heroine...
SHUBMAN: Did I ask you all these details?? Do the work u require to do and talk when it is require. How can BCCI hire a chatterbox as a manager.
Why are you looking at my face, go and do your work.

Ishan left from there. He felt bad, but Ishan being positive ishan kept that words aside and started preparing all the stuff. Sara also came to the studio.
After 1 and 1/2hr they are done with the shoot. Our prince got attracted towards Sara. They exchange their numbers. Ishan who is watching this got hurt, but smiled seeing Shubman being happy.

That's it for today guys. Hope you all like it. Please give me your opinions through comments.

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