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What the heck man!!! Why is he calling my soon to be wife as his?? This is not fine. This is not at all fine.
ME: How come he became yours Mayank??
MAYANK: He is mine from the start you duffer. He is my Best friend so obviously he is mine right. And he is giving up on you. Get that inside your thick skull.
ME:What if I don't let him go?? I will make him mine no matter what and you get that inside your dumb brain you duffer.
MAYANK: How dare you call me duffer you rascal???
ME: It's you who started this your brainless creature.
MAYANK:I don't know what my Ishu pie saw in you. I don't see one good quality in you 😔
ME: Firstly stop calling my wifey with sweet names, iam here to do that job. Secondly we in the  sense me and my angel will discuss what all qualities and capabilities I have, infact iam thinking of showing him practically, what say😏
MAYANK: Enough you shameless creature. You are dreaming alot. First go and talk with my baby, I don't know whether Ishu will kiss you or not but definitely the door will kiss you.

(What the heck man, he is hitting on nerves. Ok leave this duffer here, go and pacify Ishu pie.)
ME: Whatever, iam leaving.
MAYANK: What happened, cat caught your tongue.

Shubman has an internal turminal. What will be ishu's reaction. All what if's are roaming inside his head.
Ishan woke up from a quick nap. He is feeling fresh but internally he has a lot of pain. He wants to forget shubman but the mere thought of not including shubman in his prayers, loving someone who is not shubman is killing him. He loves him, he worships him. He can never imagine someone else in his life who is not shubman. But he has to do this at least for his peace. Maybe it will be painful for now but he knows he is strong enough to overcome the pain.
Shubman was outside Ishan's room, he was so nervous to even knock on the door. His hands are literally shaking and sweating. He muttered up courage and knocked on the door.
I was sitting in bed, thinking about how my life is so fucked up. I heard a knock on my door. I got up and went to the door and opened the door only to get freeze
SHUBMAN: Ishan, can we talk??

I couldn't answer, all the last night words came inside my mind. Tears formed inside my eyes. I have done something i thought I never do with him. I closed the door on his face. I slid on the door, started crying.

That's it for today guys. Hope you like my plot. Sorry i couldn't update the story yesterday because i was bit upset with the news that Ishan was terminated. I think this is not fair for him. Whatever happens, we are there for him. Love you all. Thank you 😊

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