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MAYANK: How was the kiss Romeo?? Shown your capabilities and qualities. I thought you are gonna show it to Ishan but I don't know, you are going to show to it to the door. How does my brother tastes soon to be jijju??
SHUBMAN: Shut up mayank. Not now atleast not when ishan is crying on other side.
(Sobs were heard outside the door. Mayank want to comfort ishan, but he knew ishan can come back to his back self only when the rift between ishan and this duffer comes to an end. So he decided to talk with shubman.)
MAYANK: As much as i hate you, but I can't see my Ishu in pain. So come, let's go somewhere else.
(Started dragging him and now they are in front of shubman's room)
SHUBMAN: Why?? What do you want?? Iam not going to give you anything.
MAYANK: What do I want from you duffer. You might be handsome sometimes hot but totally not my type, i will never love or have sex with an arrogant duffer. I want to talk with you and help you to win ishan's heart again, so let's go.
(Shubman narrowly looking at mayank. Out of nowhere why this idiot want to help me. Is he against of my love towards ishan.
Sensing the gaze, mayank said)
MAYANK: I still hate you for the words you said to my Ishu pie. But, I know Ishu can only come back to his goofy self when the rift between you two comes to an end. So can we go inside duffer.
SHUBMAN: I appreciate you for helping me to end the rift between us but stop calling me duffer you idiot.
MAYANK: You are duffer so I am calling you that. If you don't like it I can change it to Nalayak. Sounds good right.
SHUBMAN: What the hell man. Call me by my name. My name is shubman.
MAYANK: Whatever, lets discuss how to win ishu's heart again. Do you have any idea??
SHUBMAN: How about i kidnapp him and tell him how I feel??
MAYANK: the next moment you and I will be in jail for kidnapping Ishan kishan. What the hell Man. Think something logically and something like a wise man not like a duffer.
SHUBMAN: How about i propose him
MAYANK: You will be in bright red headlines in the newspaper the next day  stating PRINCE OF CRICKET WAS BADLY REJECTED BY HIS MANAGER. SOO SAD.
SHUBMAN: Why will my wifey reject me ?? You rascal
MAYANK: Ofcourse he will reject you. After last night's khand, you are deserve to be rejected befkoof. Even if  ishan accepts it I will insist him to reject you, you chimkadhar.
SHUBMAN:(glaring at him) you will not do it.
MAYANK: I don't do it if you appolozise him and then propose him. How about take him date??
SHUBMAN: Haaa, the moment I go to him and ask him ishan can we go on a date, this time I won't kiss the door but something sharp object will definitely give me a forehead kiss.
MAYANK: How badly I want to see that scenario, but don't worry i will take that responsibility to bring ishan to the place where you are gonna arrange the moment. You just text me the address and baki sabh mujhe mein chod dho. Mein Huna mein sambhalunga. But don't you dare to mess it up.
SHUBMAN: Okay deal. Let's rock this.

That's it for today guys. Hope you are liking my story. This story  is going to end within few days. So if you guys have any plot, u can share to me I will try to write it.

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