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Author pov:
The day came when they went to south Africa for a tournament. Everyone reached their hotels and decide to sleep as they are so tired of traveling. Our goofy boy is also so tired so he decided to take rest. He is rolling in bed but sleep is nowhere near his eyes.May be because of new place. So he decided to go to rohit bhaiya 's room. He came out of his room and went near rohit bhaiya's room, he heard someone talking and he can identify that someone's voice if he woke up from deep slumber. He is going to open the door, that someone mentioned his name. He knew listening to others conversation without their permission is bad, but curiosity kills the cat. So he decided to listen to their talks and that's the biggest mistake he have ever done. After listening to that words, his world crashed, tears flowing down. He ran from there to his room and cried a lot.
He decided he will never be the same.

Inside rohit bhaiya's room:
Shubman, rohit, Virat, rahul and Jadeja were sitting and talking stuff. As usual rohit started praising ishan
ROHIT: Ishan is so cute naa, he is so hardworking. He have that passion in his eyes. Whenever I see him, the only thought that come inside my mind is BABY. He is so soft spoken, well mannered. He is perfect in my eyes.
(Shubman is not at all liking the way rohit is praising Ishan.)
SHUBMAN: How come Ishan is perfect bhaiya. All he know is to cling and baby talk. How old is he 5?? Even kids can be more mature than him. He is an attention seeker bhaiya. Have you ever saw him working bhaiya? All he do is to roam around, flirt with everyone. I even don't know how come BCCI hired such a useless creature as manager. He fit for nothing bhaiya.
(Everyone were shocked. How come shubman bad talk about ishan. Everyone felt bad for ishan and anger towards shubman. At the very moment Ishan ran to his room)
VIRAT: How can you bad mouth about ishan, Shub?? What did he done to you that you were this angry towards him.
SHUBMAN: Iam not angry bhaiya, iam stating facts. From the time he came, everybody started pampering him, rohit bhaiya, aap sab use pamper kar Raha hai. Everybody looks at him as if he hungs stars. He clings with everyone like everyone. He won't even think whether they will feel awkward or not. Why he have to be all touchy touchy with everyone bhaiya.
RAHUL: Are you perhaps Jealous shub because of Ishan??
SHUBMAN: Me?? Jealous of that Lilliput?? Why will I be jealous of him, he is not my boyfriend, I don't have any feelings for him. What are you saying Rahul bhaiya??
JADEJA: He meant to say, rohit bhaiya is giving a lot of attention towards ishan and even sometimes Virat also gives him attention so that's why you are jealous. He never mentioned LOVE here shub. Or do you really love him?? 😏
SHUBMAN: N-o no no bhaiya what are you saying (in high pitched tone) i love sara bhaiya(bitter lie)
JADEJA: Ok ok chill don't get all tensed.
SHUBMAN: He is not your baby bhaiya (mumbles)
ROHIT: What??
SHUBMAN: Nothing bhaiya. I taking my leave bhaiya. Bye good night.

Shubman left the room and after sometime everybody left . Soon our two love birds cuddling on bed
VIRAT: I can understand how Shubman is feeling right now love. He is denail stage and try to convince himself that he doesn't love ishan, but eyes and actions betray. He is jealous, but thinking ishan took away our love towards him. But that idiot is not getting that he is jealous because he love ishan.
ROHIT: Wo tumhara bacha hai vi, tumhara Tarahi  late samajh aata hai. I hope Shubman don't take much time in realisation baby.
VIRAT: Hope soo baby, love you Jaan
ROHIT: Love you too meri golden retriever.

That's it for today guys. Hope you like it. Please send me your opinions through comments.

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