Chapter 9

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Author's pov:
MAYANK: What??? But why bhaiya ? What did Aditi do that you wanna kill her??
VIRAT: She is snatching what' is solely mine!!!
SHUBMAN: You mean... Rohit bhaiya
VIRAT: Yes your duffer rohit bhaiya. You know what we decided to go out to spend some quality time. But now iam going to stay in the hotel alone and he will go out with that witch Aditi and our Ishu pie.
MAYANK: What!!!! (Ro bhaiya will definitely destroy everything which I planned)
SHUBMAN: Why are you shouting idiot!!! And vi bhaiya, iam with you. Mayank hire a professional killer. Let's get rid of her.
MAYANK: Calm down both of you,Please and vi bhaiya don't take it in a negative way. Aditi loves ishan,she wants to make ishan as hers, so  she will never snatch rohit Bhai. So please calm down.
SHUBMAN: Ishan is mine you idiot. Get that inside your thick skull. He is mine, just mine.
VIRAT: How about we go to that  cafe where they are and keep an eye on them.
SHUBMAN: What are you waiting for let's go

(All three went to that cafe. They silently went inside and sat in a place where they were not visible to them but they could see them.)

Here rohit, ishan and Aditi were having their coffee. Out of nowhere Aditi holds Ishan's hand, gently intertwined ishan's fingers with hers, looking into his eyes, spoke with lot of love, forgetting Rohit's presence. Shubman couldn't stop himself from going to their place but stopped by Virat and mayank so he sat in a place where he can hear everything.

ADITI: Ishu, baby do you believe if I say, my heart beat raises when I saw your beautiful face, your smile flatter my heart. Your cute actions make me adore you and love you till my last breath. I don't know what is love until I started falling in love with you. I started having falling for you deep. I know you are aware of my feelings but don't want to hurt me so you continued being my friend. I know my changes of making you mine are low, but from bottom of my heart I wanna say I love you Ishu I love you soo much, I can't live without you. I want to tell everyone that this pretty boy is mine.

ISHAN was speechless. He always taught Aditi as hi s best friend as his sister. Out of nowhere she proposed him, it was so shocked for ishan.

ISHAN:Aditi, baby i -i I don't know what to say, i mean

Rohit was looking as if he was watching Korean drama without subtitles. Shubman couldn't control his anger. His man, his wifey, his Ishu got proposed by someone else. He want to kill her with his bare hands. He stood up and went to there place follwed by Mayank and Virat.

ROHIT: Shubman, mayank and vi tum log yaha kya kar Raha hai??
VIRAT: did i disturbed your quality time with your baby.
ROHIT: Vi !! What rubbish are you talking
SHUBMAN: Bhaiya please let me talk, yaha par Mera ghar barbad ho raha hai. Tum logon ka kya, aise hi jagadte hai phir ek ho jata hai. So please let me talk.
VIRAT: Rohit this is not the end, we will talk later.
Taking deep breaths
SHUBMAN: Aditi let me give you a clarity, Ishan Kishan is mine. He was born to be my love, my soulmate and my wife. Nobody i repeat nobody can separate or snatch my ishan from me. I will fight for him over the world. I love my Ishan kishan. I don't take someone's else property nor let some to take what is mine. So back off.

Unknown to them someone who shouldn't listen to Aditi's confession had listened and was on the verge of tears

       : How dare you Aditi, how dare you to cheat on me!!!!
ROHIT: Sara Tendulkar 😲
SARA: How can you cheat on me Aditi??? I love you damn it. I fought for you with everyone including my father. What I got in return huh?? Cheating.

At this time Sara was crying. Aditi got up and try to console her

SARA: Don't touch me. You are a lier. You are a cheater. How can you do this to me. But nevermind

Sara pushed Aditi aside and stood infront of Ishan.

SARA: Listen ishan, Aditi is mine, don't you dare to come in between us. If you dare to do this i will make sure you don't see next day sun rise. I will never leave her, she is bound to be with me. So back off bastard.

Listening to Sara's threat, shubman's protective instincts kicked out, came and stand infront of him as shield.

SHUBMAN: Watch your mouth
SARA: You should watch your man
SHUBMAN: You should control your girl. She proposed my baby. He is innocent. Ask your lady why she proposed my wifey when she have you??? Don't you think you have some fault that's the reason why she decided to left you.

Virat couldn't control his emotions
VIRAT: This is all an act Sara.

Sara, ishan and  Shubman was shocked to know this is an act and Mayank was shock because how Virat bhaiya know about this act.

MAYANK: Vi bhaiya how did you know about this act.
ROHIT: Not only him mayank, even I knew about this act.

WHAT!!!!?? 🤯

That's it for today guys. Hope you are liking my story. Please do comment
Have a great day

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