Chapter 10

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SHUBMAN: What do you mean by act?? What the fuck is happening here??
SARA: Baby, adi tell me what's going on here?? Why are you acting??
ADITI: To help ishan baby
ISHAN: What!!! To help me?? Aditi tell me clearly what's going on here??
MAYANK: This is all my plan Ishu. Mein tujhe udaas nahi dekh sakta yaar. Shubman also loves you Ishu. He misunderstood everything as he overheard one of our conversation. So I decided to help him. But when I saw Aditi, i thought of spicing the whole situation by adding jealousy. So I had planned everything with Aditi as she knew about your love towards shubham. She decided to help you. But I don't know how rohit bhaiya and Virat bhaiya knew about this act.
VIRAT: Aditi told me about this act.
ADITI: Before you blame me mayank let me tell you my story. The moment u left the room, Virat bhaiya came into the room. He misunderstood that I have feelings for rohit bhaiya. So I gave him clarity that I have a beautiful girlfriend. Iam a huge fan of rohit Bhaiya that's it. And then my tongue got slipped and I told him that iam here to help Ishu and Shubman. Then asked me, I can say forced me to reveal. So I don't have any option but to tell him everything. I don't know how rohit bhaiya knew.
MAYANK: Definitely Virat Bhaiya told him.
VIRAT: Hehehe I can't hide anything from him and he is willing to do anything just to see Ishu happy so I told him.
ROHIT: Ishu bacha, we just want you to be happy. And I can say that you will be happy if u are with shubman.

Ishan was quiet and keenly listening to them.

ISHAN: Mein bahoot kush hu ki aap sab Mera fikar hai, Mera chinta karte hai. For that iam thankful. I also used to think that iam gonna be happy with Shubman but not anymore. He hates my clingy nature, he hates my banters, in total he hates my existence. until yesterday. He thinks about me so low, he get annoyed with my mere existence. Now out of nowhere he realised his feelings, now he wants me to be his partner after breaking my heart.
SHUBMAN: I misunderstood everything ishan. I really fallen for you the moment I saw you. I thought you were in relationship. I don't want to ruin your bond so that's why I never approach you.
ISHAN: Did I told you that iam in relationship?? Have you ever confirmed the news of me being in a relationship by asking Mayank?? If you really love me you could have asked mayank. But no, you tend to avoid me and break my heart into pieces. You don't love me Shubman. And I don't want to love you anymore. We are not destined for each other. You yourself confirmed that I am fit for nothing, so how could I fit as your partner, The Shubman Gill's partner.
MAYANK: Ishu, he really loves you. He just doesn't want to ruin your happiness as he thought your love someone. He don't want to be a villian in your relationship baby.
ISHAN: If he really loves me, take care of me, he will never say that awful words mayank. He doesn't want to be a villain in my non existent relationship, at least he can be my friend right. Atleast after being my friend, he will get to know me and my love towards him and we will be couple mayank. There won't be "US" in between me and Shubman. I don't want to see your face Shubman.
ADITI: Ishu baby, please I know you were hurt with his words, but baby don't you think he deserve a chance.
ISHAN: May be he deserve a second chance Aditi but I don't want to give him. Let's just end this conversation here itself. Bye everyone.

ISHAN left the cafe. Tears flowing down from his cheeks. Shubman was watching his back with dejected look. He know he hurted ishan a lot. He need to bare the consequences.

VIRAT: (patting his shoulder) it's going to be fine shub.
SHUBMAN:(Tears forming in his eyes) he has every right to be mad at me bhaiya. After all i broken his heart. I deserve it.

Tears flowing down from shubman's eyes. He couldn't control his tears. Everybody is just patting his back, don't know what to say. After few minutes he became stable.

ROHIT: Shub, I am angry with you for hurting my baby, but deep down I understand how much you love him. If you want to give up---
SHUBMAN: Iam not going to give up ro bhaiya. Not in this life. He is upset with me. He have that right on me bhaiya, he is my wifey, my love,my everything. I will win over him again bhaiya. I will never leave him. He is bound to be with me bhaiya.
VIRAT: Don't worry shub, you go and win your man's heart again. If you require anything, we are here. We will help you shub.
SHUBMAN: Thank you bhaiya. I will make him mine officially.
MAYANK: We are here for you shubman.

That's it for today guys. Few were  asking to write long chapters, iam trying to write. As iam a baby writer, I need some experience to write long chapters. But I make sure to write long chapters. Thank you all for liking my story.

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