Chp 1: Days Gone Bye (Part 1)

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A Sheriff's car drives up to the intersection of Georgia county road.. there was wrecked and abandoned vehicles, scattered across the intersection.

A Sheriff stops and turns off the car. He looks to the Woman that is sitting in the passenger seat, They both look at one another and silently agreed for her to stay in the car, just to keep anyone from stealing there stuff. With a nod, she stays where she is sitting.

The Sheriff Deputy gets out and takes a gas can and funnel's it out of the trunk.

After that, he goes looking for what he needs.

He walks past the remains of an eighteen wheeler and more wrecked or abandoned cars and down a hill toward the gas station.

The empty camp is littered with children's toys, tents and household items. Dead people still sit in some of the cars.

He heard some flies buzzing. While looking around the area, his eyes saw something. With curiosity, he looks up. A homemade sign that reads, "No Gas."

He looks around for other options.

All of a sudden he hears the sounds of shuffling footsteps.

On hearing the sounds, he looks in that
direction. He than decided to kneel down to look under a car.
He than sees a person in a pink housecoat and bunny slippers. The person stops and pick up a teddy bear.

He stands up and sees a girl about age eight walking away. He quickly goes after her.

"Little girl?" The sheriff deputy called out to her. "I'm a police man." He tells her, but she doesn't stop.

"Little girl." He repeats. The girl than stops in her tracks still looking the other direction.

"Don't be afraid, okay? Little girl?" The Sheriff told her but soon stops in his own tracks.

The child than turns around with a slow shuffle in her rotation. The Sheriff Deputy had a look at her and was taken aback. Her eyes looked dead. Her mouth is gashed opened and dried blood has stained her pajamas.

The Deputy sighs in disappointment and sorrow. The Deputy starts panting while the Dead Little Girl started growling at him.

Slowly, she starts shuffling toward him gaining speed as she comes towards him.

"Oh my God." He chokes out.

He backs up and quickly pulls out his weapon and shot a bullet in the head of the Dead Little Girl. The Deputy face is filled with pain and sorrow. He lowers his weapon.

"Rick!!!" A voice shouted.

The Deputy looks up to see the Woman that he knows, running where he was at from minutes ago.

"Are you okay?! What happened?!" She asked frantically, as she finally was in front of him.

She checks him over to make sure he wasn't hurt.

"I was looking around for Gas and than I can across a Little Girl, I thought she was lost and alone. I didn't want her to be stranded out here so I went to go help her, but while doing so, it turns out she was one of them." He told her as he looked at the ground in shame.

"She started charging at me, so in order to not get bit...I-I shot her." The Deputy croaks out, sounding like he was going to cry.

The Woman puts her hand on his smooth, soft face.

"Oh Rick...I'm sorry you had to do that." She told him with sympathy lacing in her voice. "I know sometimes you have to make the hard calls, especially now where we live in a world full of those things."

"I-I know" The Sheriff told her, that is known as Rick. He nods in acknowledgment of what the Woman is saying.

She lets her hand fall back to her side.

They both look to the direction of the laying corpse of the Little Girl with sorrow and uncertainty...

Glinting in there eyes.

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