Chp 15: Guts (Part 6)

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The rest of the group runs up the stairs to the rooftop.

Rick, Rose, and Glenn come to the street. They crawl under the metro bus slowly. Out on the street none of the walkers notice anything unusual.

The group is now up on the rooftop.

"Hey, what's happening, man?" Merle asks, not knowing what's going on.

"Hey, T-Dog, try that C.B." Morales tells T-Dog.

"Hey, come on. Talk to me y'all." Merle says, almost sounding desperate.

"Base Camp, this is T-Dog. Anybody hear me?" T-Dog asks over the C.B.

Morales follows Rick and Glenn's progress through the binoculars.

"Can anybody out there hear me?" T-Dog repeats.

Morales points. "There."

Thunder rumbles again.

"That asshole is out on the street with the handcuff keys?" Merle asks, sounding pissed off.

Thunder rumbles still keep going.

T-Dog shows Merle that he has it.

At the camp on the hilltop,

Dale and Jim are working on the RV.

"Boy, that hose isn't long for this world, is it?" Dale asks Jim.

"No sir." Jim answers.

"Where the hell are we gonna find a replacement?" Dale asks himself. Slightly worried.

Thunder rumbles around the camp. While Amy paces back and forth.

"It's late. They should've been back by now." Amy says, feeling worried and scared.

"Worrying won't make it better." Dale tells her.

Jim hands Dale a tool. Lori hangs laundry as she watches Shane teach Carl how to tie knots.

"Attaboy." Shane says happily.

"Yeah." Carl says with a smile.

"And three, two, one-Pull it." Shane instructs Carl.

"Ah! Aw." Carl yelps out with a bum look on his face.

Both Shane and Lori laugh at Carl expression.

"Start it over. Make your 'P' the other way, around your finger." Shane instructs to Carl.

"Oops." Carl says.

"Good, just tie it like around your finger. Attaboy." Shane says happily.

The Radio squawks.

They hear T-Dog talk between bursts of static.

"Hello, base camp! Can anybody out there hear me?"

Shane gets up and goes over to the located up on the RV. Lori and Carl hurry over too.

"Base camp, this is T-Dog. Anybody hear me?"

"Hello? Hello? Reception's bad on this end" Dale says.

They've moved the C.B. up onto the roof of the R.V. T-Dog hears a voice over the radio.

Dale over the radio says. "Repeat. Repeat."

"Shane, is that you?" T-Dog asks.

"Is that them?" Lori asks.

While it statics, T-Dog says, "We're in deep shit. We're trapped in the department store."

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