Chp 14: Guts (Part 5)

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Thunder rumbles in the distance.

"That construction site, those trucks they always keep keys on hand." Rick tells them. Morales takes the binoculars, looks and then looks down at the street below.

"You guys will never make it past the walkers."Morales tells Rick and Rose.

Rick than turns to Glenn. "You got me and Rose out of that tank."

"Yeah, but they were feeding. They were distracted." Glenn says to Rick.

"Come on Glenn." Rose says, with a bit of pleading coming from her throat. Glenn looks at her with a bit of sorrow and uncertainty.

"Can we distract them again?" Rick asks.

"Right. Listen to him. He's onto something. A diversion, like on 'Hogan's Heroes.'" Merle says, actually agreeing with Rick.

"God. Give it a rest." Jacqui tells them, getting tired of arguing about it.

"They're drawn by sound, right?" Rick asks.

"Right, like dogs. They hear a sound, they come." Glenn tells Rick.

"What else?" Rick asks, wanting to know more about the walkers and what they do.

"Aside from they hear you? They see you, smell you and if they catch you, they eat you." Morales says.

"They can tell us by smell?" Rick questions.

"Can't you?" Glenn asks him.

"I mean we are categorized as animals for a reason." Rose tells Rick. With Rick just shaking his head with a small smile.

"They smell dead, we don't. It's pretty distinct." Andrea explains further.

Back in the department store, Rick grabs several pairs of rubber gloves.

"If bad ideas were an Olympic event, this would take the gold." Glenn jokes, causing Rose to laugh at that.

Rubber gloves are passed out.

"He's right. Just stop, okay? Take some time to think this through." Morales says to Rick and Rose.

"How much time? They already got through one set of doors, that glass won't hold forever." Rick tells them all.

"Yeah, we can't just stay here and keep finding different ways to get out either. By the time we figured out another escape route, the dead would already be on us" Rose states. Crossing her arms with a firm look on her expression.

Rick tosses a raincoat to Glenn and than to Rose.

Rick and Morales burst through the door into the alley. Glenn holds a bat and stands guard. They grab a walker body from the ground and rush back inside.

Rick has added a clear plastic face shield to his raincoat and rubber gloves. It's pushed up on his head. He looks around at the others.

Rick than sighs. He lowers the shield and with a crowbar turns to the fire axe on the wall.

Glass than breaks.

Everyone is wearing rubber gloves and raincoats. They are grouped around the corpse. Rick gets a running start with the axe and swings it but pulls back at the last second.

He drops the axe, takes off the head shield and his gloves. He checks the corpse's pockets and pulls out his wallet.

"Wayne Dunlap, Georgia license. Born in 1979." Rick tells them.

Rick hands the license to Glenn.

"He had twenty-eight dollars in his pocket when he died and a picture of a pretty girl. 'With love, from Rachel.' He used to be like us-worrying about bills or the rent or the Super Bowl. If I ever find my family, I'm gonna tell them about Wayne." Rick informs them, making Rose look at him with a deadpan expression while shaking her head lightly.

He replaces the wallet, puts his gear back on.

"One more thing - he was an organ donor." Glenn tells Rick.

Rick heaves the axe at the corpse of Wayne Dunlap.

Rick grunts.


"Madre de Dios!"

Chopping sounds can be heard.

"Oh! God! Gack!"

Rick looks over at Rose. She nods to him, understanding what he wants her to do. She takes axe from Rick and continues Rick's job by chopping off the man legs, arms and through the torso

"Oh God"


All groan out in disgust, except for Rick and Rose.


"Oh God."

Rick looks ill but he shakes it off and watched Rose hit the corpse.

All groaning again.

Rose hits the corpse again.

Rick groans from that.

Rick takes off his shield and holds his nose with the elbow of his coat for a moment.

He nods to Rose to stop to which she did. Rick grabs the axe from Rose and hands it to Morales.

"Keep chopping." Rick tells him. Morales gets confused by this, until he sees Rose hurling in the corner.

Glenn groans. "I am so gonna hurl."

"Later." Rick says. Looking at Rose who finished her puking sesh.

Morales chops away.

"Everybody got gloves? Don't get any on your skin or in your eyes." Rick tells them.

Rose approaches the group again.

"You alright?" Rick asks, getting a light nod from Rose.

They all stoop down and pick up guts and decayed flesh and organs.

All of them groaning.

Rick and Rick start smearing there raincoat, Jacqui helps Glenn do the same, and everyone takes turns covering Glenn, Rose, and Rick with the walker guts. Andrea drapes intestines over Glenn's shoulders.

"Oh, God! Oh jeez. Oh, this is bad. This is really bad." Glenn says, feeling sick to his stomach.

"Think about something else - puppies and kittens." Rick tells Glenn.

"Dead puppies and kittens." T-Dog mutters out causing Glenn to vomit.

"What the heck man?" Rose says to him, looking at him with shock but also in bewilderment, lifting her hands up in the air and than back down to her sides.

"That is just evil. What is wrong with you?" Andrea asks T-Dog, looking at him dreadfully.

Jacqui than talks to Rick. "Next time let the cracker beat his ass." Jacqui tells Rick.

"I'm sorry, yo." T-Dog apologize to Glenn.

"You suck." Glenn tells him, still feeling sick.

"Do we smell like them?" Rick asks.

"Oh yeah." Andrea tells Rick, she than looks over to Glenn. "Glenn. Just in case." Andrea tells him. She gingerly puts her gun into Glenn's front pocket.

"If we make it back, be ready." Rick tells them.

"What about Merle Dixon?" T-Dog asks.

Rick pulls the handcuff keys out of his pocket and tosses it to T-Dog.

"Give me the axe. We need - we need more guts." Rick tells them.

"Oh God!" Andrea exclaims.

The door creaks open.

Glenn, Rose, and Rick, with bits of corpse body hanging from their necks slowly walk into the alley. Rick is still holding the fire axe, Rose is holding her cleaver, and Glenn carries the crowbar. They shuffle down toward the street mimicking the way a walker walks.

The few walkers in the alley don't smell their living flesh. With that, marking their journey through Atlanta's streets.

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