Chp 5: Days Gone Bye (Part 5)

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In the nighttime,

Footsteps can be heard.

Rick wakes up. He sees that he's lying tied up in a bed in an unknown house.

He looks over to see Rose sitting in chair with rope tied to her wrists and legs. He than turns to see the little boy is guarding him with a baseball bat.

Rick than heard rubber gloves snap. The older man that he encountered washing his hands in a basin.

"Got that bandage changed now. It was pretty rank. What was the wound?" The older man asked.


"And you Miss?" The older man asked Rose. Rick turns to see that she had a new bandage on her foot.

He than realized that he didn't even catch that she did have a bandage wound on her.

Rose looks up with a small frown and mutters, "Dog bite"

"Gunshot? Dog bite? What else? Anything?" The older man asked.

"Gunshot ain't enough?"

"Or even a Dog bite?"

He walks over to the bed where Rick's tied to the headboard and to the chair where Rose is tied up also.

"Look, I ask and you guys answer. That's common courtesy, right?" He leans down close.

"Did you guys get bit?" The older man asked emphatically.

"Bit?" Both Rick and Rose asked, confusion in their tone.

"Bit, chewed, maybe scratched- Anything like that?" The older man asked once more.

"No, I got shot. Just shot as far as I know."

"As for me, the only thing that bit me is that stupid mutt! Tch! Freaking put me into a coma from how hard he bit me." Rose says, muttering angry words to herself.

The older man reaches out with his hand, Rick flinches back.

"Hey, just let me."

The man touches his hand to Rick's forehead.

"Feels cool enough. Fever would've killed you by now." The older man says.

"I don't think I have one." Rick informs the older man.

He than goes to Rose and quickly puts his hand on her forehead.

"Your the same temp as him." He says to Rose.

"Okay...?" She says, feeling very awkward from the interaction with the older man.

"Be hard to miss." The older man says as he comments on what Rick said before.

He than takes out a switchblade and holds it in front of Rick's face.

"Woah dude, what the heck your doing?!" Rose screamed out, as she tried untangling herself from the ropes she is being tied up to.

"Take a moment, look how sharp it is." The older man says, ignoring Rose's scream.

Rick leans his head away from the knife.

"You try anything, I will kill you with it and don't you think I won't."

He than cuts the bungee cords holding Rick to the bed.

The older man than goes to Rose.

"And same goes for you Miss, if you try anything or hurt my boy in anyway...I won't hesitate to kill you." The older man warns her, knife blade pointing at her.

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