Chp 31: Wildfire (Part 3)

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At the Survival Camp,

"Wake up, Jimbo. We've got some work to do." Daryl says bluntly the person he called 'Jimbo'.

Morales and Daryl drag the body of a dead camper toward the fire.

"Thanks. Thanks." Morales thanks Daryl.

"What are you guys doing? This is for geeks. Our people go over there." Glenn tells the two.

"What's the difference? They're all infected." Daryl says to Glenn.

"Our people go in that row over there. We don't burn them! We bury them. Understand? Our people go in that row over there." Glenn emotionally says.

Daryl and Morales drag the body toward the digging hole.

"You reap what you sow." Daryl says.

"You know what? Shut up, man." Morales tells Daryl.

"Y'all left my brother for dead. You had this coming." Daryl says to Morales in slight anger.

Jacqui, Rose, and Jim pile up bodies. Jacqui  notices blood on Jim's shirt.

Jacqui nudges Rose shoulder, Rose looks over at the woman in confusion, Jacqui nudges her head towards the blood on Jim's shirt. Rose gets slightly worried.

"Are you bleeding?" Jacqui asks Jim.

"I just got some on me from the bodies." Jim tells Jacqui.

Rose looks at the man with a frown, knowing that he is lying through his teeth.

"That blood is fresh. Were you bit?" Jacqui asks him.

"No. I got scratched during the attack." Jim says.

"Jim..." Rose calls the man name in a stern tone, not trusting the man's words.

"You got bit." Jacqui states to him.

"I'm Fine." Jim says a bit firmly this time.

"Then show us." Jacqui demands.

Jim stays quiet, not saying anything.

"Jim, If you don't show us what it is you have under that shirt, you'll regret it later." Rose threateningly says to Jim, causing Jim to gulp.

After a bit of awkward silence he than speaks.

"Don't tell, please." Jim whispery said to the two woman.

"A walker got him. A walker bit Jim." Jacqui announces out-loud.

All the guys come around him, worried.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." Jim repeats softly.

"Show it to us. Show it to us." Daryl Demands.

"Easy, Jim." Shane says soothingly.

"Grab him." Daryl states.

Jim takes the shovel on the floor.

"Jim, put it down. Put it down." Shane orders.

"Jim be smart about this!" Rose tells Jim, while being beside Jacqui.

T-Dog catches Jim back and holds him.

"I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay." Jim repeats.

Daryl lifts Jim's shirt, revealing a deep teeth-mark wound

"I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay." Jim repeats as everyone stares at Jim in fear and shock.

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