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"You're lost aren't you?" I pause for a moment and survey the area, then I continue speaking.

"Amara, if you're lost now is the time to say so, you're going to get us killed!"

Emily warned her friend whilst sounding annoyed.

This was due to the fact that her best friend and the Beta's daughter wasn't the greatest when it came to directions. Emily had realized that the pack lands were twenty to forty kilometers behind them and started doubting Amara's sense of direction.

"Don't worry I know where I'm going." Amara replied back to Emily.

"That's what you said twenty minutes ago. Admit it, you don't know where you're going."

"This is all part of my plan. I know exactly where we are." She responded confidently.

You may be very confused at the moment; so allow me to clarify the situation that is currently under construction.

Amara and Emily went out to a party that was hosted out of their pack. As the time passed and they decided that they should head back home; Amara offered to led the way back to the pack and Emily agreed. Due to Amara's horrible sense of direction the two have ended up in an unknown territory.

Emily's POV

Hello. I'm Emila Nisha Michelle Christiana Fernandez. And that is a long name, but those come with having a diverse background. Michelle comes from one of my dad's sisters and Nisha and Christiana come from my mother's side of the family. I was born in Canada, so by birth I'm a Canadian. Even though my name is Emila, most people mistake it for Emily or Amelia, so I'm know as Emily or Mila.

My Mother is from Angola, which is a country in Southern Africa and my dad is a French Canadian. I have a rich cultural background and I got most of my genes from my mother. Which means I look more Angolan than Canadian. I have hazel eyes and dark brown natural hair and when it comes to height I'm five foot nine and I have a beautiful chocolate skin tone with beauty marks evenly placed here and there. There is a small one under my right eye and it looks as I took a black marker are put it there: however, it's a natural.

I've recently turned seventeen and my parents have been pestering me about finding a mate because the average age of finding a mate, is between the ages of seventeen and eighteen.

Personally the whole thing about finding your mate, blah blah blah, happily ever after and whatnot, didn't catch my attention or spark my interest.

However when I do find my mate, I'm hoping that he isn't an Alpha or possessive, to the point where he controls what I wear, although, I don't mind a little challenge.

I've always had control over my life and no male wolf will change that. He can try but he won't succeed.

If my mate happens to be calm and collected, then that would be more than perfect.

I come from a line of white wolves which are stronger than most normal wolves and I am part of the Jade Night pack and I am the daughter of the Alpha.

*Back to the story *

"Don't worry Emily, I know what I'm doing." Amara persuaded.

"I don't believe you." I responded and rolled my eyes.

"Here's the plan. We'll go ask the guy over there for some directions and we'll get home safe and sound." She responded sounding overly confident in her faulty plan.

In any normal situation this plan would have worked out, but we were dealing with werewolves. Extremely territorial creatures might I add.

"What are you two doing here, you're trespassing on the Silver Crescent Pack territory!"


And yes I'm ending I like this because, I want too... And also because the First Chapter is up next and it's going to be interesting and also I might post the first chapter today.

#Thanks for reading and being awesome, and if you have questions or input on the story, I'm all ears😎.

Vote, Comment and keep on being awesome😊.

Till next time Rosie 🤗

Running Back To The Alpha(On holdish/ rewriting and editing )Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now