Chapter Eighteen: My Baby lies to me

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Emila's POV
I walked away from Andre and headed into the bathroom , he had hesitated before answering my question.
It's not the first time he'd lied to me about something ,but ,I have had enough of his lies.And let me not begin to mention the issues I had with him thinking that women are weaker than men .
We've had several arguments about meetings with pack leaders ; going out on patrol to scout the pack lands for any rouges and much more.

Whenever I offered to assist with such tasks he would always reject my assistance. It's as if he thinks I'm incapable of defending myself. But unbeknownst to him , I've been sparing with and defeating the strongest fighters within his pack during their training sessions . And I'm in charge of training the younger males and females and even with all of them rushing towards me ,I am still able to defeat all of them without any major effort on my part.

Which came as a result of my childhood.My family consisted mostly of males and I was the only daughter out of nine males whilst I was young.
Due to me being the only daughter , I had to train with all of my brothers and I trained vigorously to surpass many of them in strength and combat .I could take down five out of the eight. However ;the three that I couldn't take down were my older brothers :Luis and Rafael and Kai ; my twin brother. Kai and I would always draw against each other when we fought , regardless of whether we trained more.And my strength and combat skills did not occur easily as most of my brothers were Betas and Alphas. Then there are my two younger sisters :Dreia and Cira who had trained under me.
As I reflected on my childhood , I realised that a family reunion was long overdue.
I could already see Andre being interrogated by my seven older brothers that he hasn't met ;as well as , my sisters who would dig up any dark secrets and make him falter under their intense interrogations. I found Andre's concern for my safety quite laughable whenever I thought back to my upbringing. In my pack equality was taught from a young age ,which is one of the reasons I'm not afraid to travel alone.

I smile and stepped into the shower once I took off my clothes. I took a quick shower and washed my hair so now it was wrapped  in a towel. After applying some lotion , I put on a pair of Snoppy  pyjamas along with a pair of white ankle socks.

If only my mate knew just how dangerous I could be , besides all the sappy love and everything that he displays, his subtle disempowerment was  one of my biggest pet peeves about him

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If only my mate knew just how dangerous I could be , besides all the sappy love and everything that he displays, his subtle disempowerment was  one of my biggest pet peeves about him.
As I hung the folded towel back on its wrack I heard knocking on the door.

Knock , knock , knock.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Dude , I'm literally just using the bathroom," I replied.

"Really, you're calling your future husband dude?"

"Yes I am ." I replied as I opened the door and walked past him .

"No nick names ? " he asked.

"Friend , there's no need to repeat the facts."  I responded , whilst responding to emails from work ( mostly pack work) and while reviewing the course material for an upcoming assignment.

"Why are you being so cold all of a sudden?" He asked ;as he lies down next to me on the bed .

I sighed and placed my laptop on top of the counter next to the bed.

Time for a history lesson.

" Look you're a really smart guy and I'm a really smart lady.Now in context of our time period where there has been a rise of movements that empower women and that are endorsing equality amongst the sexes in a social , economic and political sense  and even with social media which depicts independent women thriving without men. How do you think I , the Luna of the pack , and your fiancé, who is also a woman who seeks independency and empowerment from her  fiancé , would feel about said fiancé answering in a manner that is laced with underlying disempowerment?" I looked him dead in the eyes . In this moment any onlookers would be able to sense that there was a battle of egos occurring between the two of us.

" I'm only trying to put your safety first." He said taking one of my hands in his.

" Avoiding the question won't work this time babe. Whatever insecurities or false misconceptions you have in your mind need to be cleared. As much as I love you , this whole men having to protect women all the time needs to stop. I admit that when we met I was needy and dependant ;however, that was back in high school and it's not high school anymore love . If we're going to get married we need to learn how to deal with each other's quirks and personalities. Most importantly we need to communicate transparently with one another.No games , no sugar coating, just plain and clear truths. Ok?"

"But I need to protect you " he pouts placing his cheek against my held- hand.

"And I need you to trust that I can protect myself." I held his cheek and shifted closer to him, " beside I'm much stronger than you think I am, and if I have to beat your ass to prove it to you, then so be it." I smirked and saying kissed the tip of his nose.

"Okay let's not get ahead of ourselves , you and I both know that you can't beat me," he smirks and takes my other hand and kisses it gently.

" I wouldn't be so coy if I were you," And as I say this I fling him across the room using one hand .
I walk over to him and bend down next to him and check if his alright . He wore a look of complete shock on his face as I held an outstretched hand to him.

" What the actual f—"
I cut him off by covering his mouth .
" Language , " I smiled at him and helped him up from the ground. " What were you saying about my not be able to fight you?"

"Ok , maybe you can fight me ." He said looking away shyly.

"Whatever , I've proven my point .I really don't need your protection , unless a whole pack surrounds me , then I might need a little bit of help."  I was now back on my side of the bed working on emails and other tasks.

André laid down next to me again, "How did you manage to do that ?"

"I grew up training with many brothers , Luis isn't my only brother by the way. And when I was growing up I was the only girl and I had to train extremely hard , in order to train with them and now I'm able to face many people without batting a lash."

" I see , I guess I'll ease up on the whole protecting thing."

" I would appreciate that." I sent the last email and placed the laptop back on the counter and climbed into the sheets while facing André, he slowly pulling me closer to him and accessed my face before sighing.

" I know who Stephan is." He said , his eyes showed sadness and a range other other emotions.

"I know. I'll wait until you're comfortable enough to talk about it. For now let's just focus on dealing with the rouges." I smiled , knowing that the end of my statement caught him off guard.

"You're incredible." He smiled and gently kissed the top of my head .

"And so are you." I smiled back at him .


It's beeeen a while , but I'm sort of back but not back at the same time , in the mean time , try picking up on the hints and Easter eggs I've been dropping since the beginning of the book , maybe you will be able to guess what the future holds and if you can , you'll be able to do a collaboration with me for future chapters , the ball is in your court , good luck 😉 and till next time .(if you want , well brainstorm, anyways that only if you want to .Anywho , if you do accept the challenge message me privately with what you think it an Easter egg and the rest shall follow )

Running Back To The Alpha(On holdish/ rewriting and editing )Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now